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New bands - send me your bios and get featured in PhilMusic

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Bandname: Quad Domain
Genre: Rock, Pinoy Rock, Classic Rock - friendster/email account
Contact number: 092765437557

Sir Jim on going pa po ba ito? Thanks!


* Band Name: Winter Nightfall
* Home Town: Marikina, Manila
* Formed in: mid-2005
* Status: Active
* Genre: Doom Metal
* Members:
   Jojo Beltejar (aka Magistrate Frost) - vocals, ambience, analogue synthesis
   Dennis Liao (aka Dion Cardinal) - lead/rhythm guitars
   Mark Tapit (aka Baron Marcus Winter) - lead/rhythm guitars
   Mark "Tonio" Espiritu (aka Count Anthony Rime) - bass
   Lemuel Relleno (aka Sir John Icesword) - drums
* Website (band links): Myspace, Rakista, Metal-Archives, Friendster
* Releases - Elegies (demo) - 2007, Frostbitten Dominions (EP) - 2007
    * Contact Person: Jojo Beltejar - 0927-4467439, Dennis Liao - 0916-7863539

Additional information / bios / etc.

Believed to be one of the first doom metal bands in the Philippines to redefine the meaning of the underrated subgenre of doom metal, Winter Nightfall serves as the local metal scene's "catalyst" to death, black and thrash metal bands who describe "speed in metal is the heaviest".

Doom metal is known to be of entirely or extremely slow or down-tempo in nature.  However, the band was critically bombarded with atrocities and claims of not belonging to the scene dominated by bands who find speed and brutality the only factor that dominates the "how metal are you" meter stick.

For additional info and additional bios, please check the websites provided

Tanya Markova

Tanya Markova is the brainchild of 8 morons with girlish yet creepy pseudonyms who would rather make fun of the current music scene's redundancy and inadequacy to recognize the meaning of “art” rather than be brainwashed by music conspirators to create a music that is characterized by “whininess” and irritation factors. The band was formed because they are tired listening to OPM bands that were 'playing safe and sticking to the sugarcoated “boy meets girl and they broke up and he misses her” formula especially in pop culture. Their goal is to have fun with themselves, the public, the gender benders of stand up comedy, the ballet dancers, politics, late 80's and early 90's horror and action movies, theatre of the damned, and everything under the sun. The band is actually composed of people that would fill these stupid description(s): frustrated, fun loving, nuts, musician, bastards, banger, idiot, attention-deficit disorder victims, penicillin user, and [chewbacca]. The band's childish aura and demeanor is meant to entertain the audience with silly lyrics and twisted musical exploration, their musical influences ranging from metal, rock & roll, post-punk, acid jazz and 60's/70's pop. Albeit serious when it comes to their music and not wanting to be labeled as a 'humor' band which is ridiculously a one dimensional term, the band's music is dumb, wild, and ridiculously fun."

please check us out at multiply and friendster. me audio samples kame dun!


meron bang nangagailngan ng drummer?? text niyo ko  09228465860. rock/alternative.. dehins nga lang ako nag ddouble peds at di ako masyadong ma technical.. add niyo rin ako sa friendster, :-)


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