The Music Forums > Soul Patrol
Soul Patrol: Rules and Regulations
1. Keep the discussions within topic. Specific boards cater to specific posts; avoid posting off-topic/prohibited content. Don't be surprised if you get banned, you've been forewarned.
2. Respect each other's opinions. Avoid fighting and profanity; Any signs of destructive criticisms/arguments will be altered/deleted. PM the mods to mediate if in case.
3. Redundant threads will be merged (or deleted) without warning. Use the search function of the main PhilMusic site to look for previous existing threads.
4. Post appropriately. Avoid creating thread titles that are incomplete or off-topic. ALL CAPS on title and/or content, unnecessary poll use as well as exaggerated font sizes or txt/jeje speak are prohibited.
5. Piracy is not allowed here. No warez, cracks, serials or illegally obtained copyrighted content! Links to content of a questionable nature, asking for, offering, or asking for help/helping to process such content in any way or form is not tolerated. Posts of this nature will be locked and the IP of the poster logged.
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