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Open your image in Photoshop.

Press (Ctrl+J) to duplicate the Background image and rename the new layer to "Motion Blur".

Now, we need to select the non main objects in our image so press (D) to set the foreground and background colors to the default, Select the Brush Tool (B), click "Edit in quick mask mode" (Q) then set the foreground color to black and paint all the non main object areas. You will notice that the painted areas are painted in red, you can click the "]" and "[" keys to modify the brush size as needed, I like to have a big brush for the outer areas and smaller brush size when I come close to the objects. Notice that you can click "Reverse Foreground and Background colors" (X) any time if you do any thing wrong to erase the wrong masking and (X) again to continue.

Press (Q) again to exit the "Edit mask mode", Press (Ctrl+C) and (Ctrl+V) to make a new layer of the selection then rename the new layer to "Main".

Select the "Main" layer, select the "Magic Wand Tool" (W), right click the eye next to the "Main" layer in the Layers window and click "Show/hide all other layers" to show only the "Main" layer.

Now, select all the empty area of the "Main" layer, make the "Motion Blur" Layer visible again and select it, press (Ctrl+C) ,(Ctrl+V) and rename the new layer to "BG".

Select the "BG" layer and click Filters > Blur > Motion Blur, set Angel = 0 and Distance = 33 Pixels.

You can get another effect by selecting the "BG" layer and clicking Filter > Blur > Radial Blur instead of "Motion Blur".


my share:

I really enjoy this forum, the pics, the threads, tutorials. Props to gainsucker! Keep it coming!

P.S. I'm really new when it comes to photography and i'm really enjoying it.


--- Quote from: luna_07 on January 12, 2010, 06:08:39 PM ---I really enjoy this forum, the pics, the threads, tutorials. Props to gainsucker! Keep it coming!

P.S. I'm really new when it comes to photography and i'm really enjoying it.

--- End quote ---

thanks a lot bro... it's an art you can learn actually... masaya ang PHOTOGRAPHY...

next month maybe i'll plan an EB, sharing din ng PHOTOGRAPHY VIDEO LESSONS at photowalk, kanya kanyang dala na lang ng flash drive...

i started last June 2008, and still consider myself new to this field... so enjoy lang...  :-D

mas madali pala yung ganyan, ginagawa ko kasi eh kinu-cut ko using pen tool, tapos papatungan ko na lang yung base layer ko... more...

Kung tamad mag-PP sa Photoshop, use Lightroom. Lol! Haha di ako marunong mag-photoshop. Nosebleed ako sa pinagsasabi niyo  :lol:


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