
Author Topic: Need Suggestion for our Church Guitar  (Read 6550 times)

Offline edjohn01

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Need Suggestion for our Church Guitar
« on: October 18, 2016, 02:40:02 PM »
So our church has allocated a budget to upgrade almost all of the music equipment that we have because it is old and some of it is not in working condition anymore. I was assigned to canvass for our Guitars(Electric and Acoustic). As the subject of this thread says, I need your suggestion what guitar should we consider? Btw, our budget is 40k max each for acoustic and electric but I'm not trying to spend it all cause the money that will be saved from the budget, I might used it to buy another guitar amp or even guitar pedal. But we still want to buy the most out of it, in terms of quality and long-term use.

As of now, this is what I'm eyeing for:
Acoustic - Fender CD-60CE, just bec one of our member is using this and we love it and even our sound techs love the tone of this guitar. We're also eyeing for a taylor, if you know an acoustic-electric model that suits our budget, please share it to me.

Electric - A Strat that has a HSS config most probably a fender mexico. We're looking for an electric that is versatile and easy to play.

If you have any ideas/suggestion, I want to know. Thanks! God Bless.  :)

Offline mikzimous

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Re: Need Suggestion for our Church Guitar
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2016, 02:18:18 PM »
So our church has allocated a budget to upgrade almost all of the music equipment that we have because it is old and some of it is not in working condition anymore. I was assigned to canvass for our Guitars(Electric and Acoustic). As the subject of this thread says, I need your suggestion what guitar should we consider? Btw, our budget is 40k max each for acoustic and electric but I'm not trying to spend it all cause the money that will be saved from the budget, I might used it to buy another guitar amp or even guitar pedal. But we still want to buy the most out of it, in terms of quality and long-term use.

As of now, this is what I'm eyeing for:
Acoustic - Fender CD-60CE, just bec one of our member is using this and we love it and even our sound techs love the tone of this guitar. We're also eyeing for a taylor, if you know an acoustic-electric model that suits our budget, please share it to me.

Electric - A Strat that has a HSS config most probably a fender mexico. We're looking for an electric that is versatile and easy to play.

If you have any ideas/suggestion, I want to know. Thanks! God Bless.  :)

hi bro.

you might wanna consider a MIJ strat.. mas pulido ang gawa nila over the MIMs..  :)

Offline NTM

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Re: Need Suggestion for our Church Guitar
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2016, 11:52:57 PM »
hi bro.

you might wanna consider a MIJ strat.. mas pulido ang gawa nila over the MIMs..  :)


Halos di nalalayo price range, mas mahal ng konti MIJ, pero di malayo price. Pero in terms of quality, way better. :)
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Offline edjohn01

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Re: Need Suggestion for our Church Guitar
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2016, 11:01:30 AM »
I need kasi sana may receipt. If ever I decided na mag MIJ, may receipt kaya naiissue? and ang alam ko lang na way to buy MIJ is through sir Tedi/Pre-loved Guitars. May iba pa ba pwede makabili ng MIJ dito? Thanks mga bro!