The Musician Forums > Guitar Central

Guitar Teachers Advertise here

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Why do you need a guitar teacher? Watch this ad :-)

Only 200 per hour

Guitar Lessons in Lucena City
SMS 0918.900.5285

name: Dustin John
instrument: Guitar
genre: Rock / NeoClassical / Death / Tech Metal / Jazz / Prog
specialty: Theory / Improvisation / Intervals / Standard Progressions
location: Laguna , Santa Rosa
and cel no: 09151166896

I am preparing a guitar improvisation ebook for those who, for some reason, cannot avail of the services of a guitar teacher (a guitar teacher is still the best way to learn). It will be an ebook + facebook-based support. Here is the link and group description to give you an idea:


Group description:

NOTE: This group will open with the release of the eBook. Those who will ask to join now will be notified once the eBook has been released.

Membership is free to past students.

Membership to this closed group entitles you to do the following:

1.   Learn to improvise at your own pace and time.
2.   Access videos demonstrating the lessons in the Create Your Own Guitar Solo eBook.
3.   Post questions related to the lessons.
4.   Upload your own videos and request for feedback. This is the equivalent of a personal guitar lesson where the teacher coaches you.
5.   See other students’ posts and learn from the feedback they get.
6.   Motivate yourself to be as good as or better than the other students.
7.   Download free updated lessons.
8.   Watch related guitar videos linked from other sources.
9.   Share what you learn to other students.

Like us on for updates on how to be a member of this group.

You can spend months searching the Internet for lessons on how to make melodic improvisations, or save time by joining the Guitar Improvisation Class for Beginners and know what you need to practice today.

Guitar Improvisation Class for Beginners
eBook + online mentoring

this is my gift to guitar instructors and self-learning kids...

i teach the 'musically dyslexic' or not-so-gifted kids.


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