
Author Topic: Where to Buy Yamaha HS8 studio monitor and Focusrite Scarlet 18i20  (Read 781 times)

Offline felixrafael

  • Philmusicus Noobitus
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Mga Boss, ive been trying to look for Yamaha HS8's the problem is im in the province and i can only look for it online and nahihirapan ako coz konti lang mga shops na may mga active na websites.. or hindi nakapost yung mga price or lahat nga items nila..

where can i buy one and how much.. sa Yupangco po kasi they are selling the older version which is hs80m (for the price of the new ones :money:)

also where can i buy a Focusrite Scarlet 18i20.. the only one i found was sa Channel.. but its the 18i8..

thanks so much!