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Digital Photography Forum Unified Help Thread (POST ALL GENERAL QUESTIONS HERE!)

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but photoshop is user friendly naman.....

it's for taking extremely close up shots - nice for insects, flowers, etc. depending on your camera, you can actually produce an image of a 25 centavo coin on a 1:1 scale.

it's for taking extremely close up shots - nice for insects, flowers, etc. depending on your camera, you can actually produce an image of a 25 centavo coin on a 1:1 scale.

is this the effect used to focus in an object & blur the background?

the effect to blur the background comes from increasing the aperture (lens opening, the higher the number the smaller it is ex. f22< f5.6).

it can also be achieved by full zooming and then putting the subject the e nearest to the camera. if ur using the macro mode, and the subject is far from the background in macro terms, then blurring will occur.


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