Anything Goes > Kalusugan, Kakisigan at Kaayusan

Soya Milk/Drink

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--- Quote from: vaisteen2003 on December 17, 2007, 09:59:46 AM ---back when i was still living in Macao that was my everyday drink. Its something that alot of people regularly drink. Its really tasty unlike here sa Philippines mejo super diluted na ung dito eh.

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sinabi mo pa...

tsaka yung flavors na naiimbento nila minsan nakakasuka kahit unang lagok mo pa lang...


wow un pala un.. tnx sa mga info mga sir... nice thread talaga sir toybitz...

Ang dating talaga "suya" nakakasuya ang lasa,masarap pa yung mga soya milk sa UAE :-D

h3adrock3r: milk is healthy! and it is my favorite drink!

wag lang sobra..kasi lahat naman ng sobra ay masama..

eto rin yung isa sa mga key on dieting (for me).. before i was 200lbs.. then i lost 40lbs in 6 months!'s not all soy milk.. kasama dun ang regular exercise(cleaning the house and doing dishes are enough), gym (vacation lang), healthy diet (pero low calorie diet.. it means NO SUGAR as much as possible and NO OILY FOODS, say goodbye to fastfoods and chocolates! hehe!), tapos ratio ng vegetable ko sa kanin ay baliktad.. then i drink soy milk mga 3 times a week lang..depende pag trip..


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