Tech Forums > ph.Cyberview

New Filipino Musician Social Site

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Interesting. I could help with moderating in the future if needed.


--- Quote from: xaeroblade on June 07, 2016, 01:13:09 PM ---Interesting. I could help with moderating in the future if needed.

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Thanks xaeroblade, I'll pm you the temporary domain link.


--- Quote from: marzi on June 06, 2016, 10:59:16 AM ---good concept to create a network for aspiring and pro musicians. is this also accessible for music fans?

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++1 to this, ill totally leave facebook if this will snowball into a musicians/fans thing, with a lot of music/video sharing capabilities.

always wanted to find out news about music, especially for the local scene. which is hard unless you know people.

im talking about the news feature side, specifically like in

i think it'd be good, if there becomes a unifying open-source exchange of news and events for Philippine music

Interesting! Can't wait for this  :cute:


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