The Music Forums > The Rock Music Board

New bands - send me your bios and get featured in PhilMusic

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Jim Ayson:
I'm running out of stuff to write, so I thought I'd rehash an old PhilMusic concept. Sometime 1998 (or was it 1999) we ran a series on "new up and coming bands" of the day under the title "Notes from the Underground".

I think it's a concept worth revisiting so if any new band out there wants a genu-u-ine honest to goodness PhilMusic story on them, please e-mail me the following:

1) a band bio
Please indicate:
1.1 - band members
1.2  - info about the music - genre, style, etc.
1.3 - info about the band

2) a few good (or even great) band photos

3) URLs or Net links of official band sites

4) a couple of mp3s of your demos

Mail this to :

Pass the dutchie (and the word while you're at it)



--- Quote from: Jim Ayson on March 28, 2007, 08:33:41 PM ---
4) a couple of mp3s of your demos

--- End quote ---

would that mean 2 songs?

Jim Ayson:
Well if all you have is one then that ought to do!

alright thanks sir jim.  :-)

Jim Ayson:
Well Niniskirt submitted her profile... more pictures mam!!  :mrgreen:


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