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Step by step guide for watermarking and framing please! Am i asking too much? Hehehe!   

thanks to gainsucker and badongrigs !!!

mas madadalas yata ako dito kesa sa GC :-D


it's badongrRODrigs hehe You're welcome! :-D


Check this print screen first. LINK

1. Layer 1 is the photo you'd like to frame
2. Double click on Layer 1 to bring out the Layer Style box. (This also works: Right-click the layer and select Blending Options) (check photo)
3. See the highlighted tab named STROKE (at the bottom). the Stroke style basically outlines all the edges in the layer. so check the Stroke style.
4. Inside the Stroke style (immediately to the right), i changed 3 things: the color of the stroke, the size, and the position. Change the color to WHITE, the size to 12 (or whatever fits your taste), and then the position to INSIDE. Tweak those settings to your liking.
5. For added effect, I also checked the Drop Shadow style and tweaked the settings a bit.

about the watermark, andaming style na pwede eh. bigyan moko ng example then i'll try to emulate that. :)

Ouch multiply is forbidden here. Can you please please host it in photobucket instead?

Will try the given procedures.

About the watermarking, no particular style is needed. I just want to know the fastest and simplest way to do it. Maybe like this :

Also, is there a particular software which will allow you to batch watermark your photos?

Thank you very much :) 


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