The Music Forums > The Rock Music Board
Pinoy tori amos fans
a friend made an egroup for all pinoys who adore Tori Amos' music.
if you are a toriphile and this thing interests you, feel free to join us. pinoy toriphiles are scarce but i hope that they are not about to go to extinction.
the group will give us all the chance to just talk about how much we adore tori and the magic of her music.
text me your email address at 0919 4778050 if you want to be added in the group.
thank you muchly.
c standofish fan ni tori amos! hihihi..
Hey if you guys like Tori Amos, you should watch out for this local artist named ISHA, she's coming out with an album next month. She's in the Tori Amos mold, plays very agressive acoustic piano and sings and writes songs in a similar vein.
Tarkuz Toccata:
--- Quote from: pinoymusika ---Hey if you guys like Tori Amos, you should watch out for this local artist named ISHA, she's coming out with an album next month. She's in the Tori Amos mold, plays very agressive acoustic piano and sings and writes songs in a similar vein.
--- End quote ---
Where can we watch her?
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