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RIVERMAYA:for disqualification?

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--- Quote from: little susie ---In addition:  I think the former label have been doing some kind of a petition since Rivermaya's can't be played on-air by other radio stations except from NU.  But, I don't know how they do it.  Maybe because, they have the name, the power and the money!  
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It's more like plain ol' influence. Rivermaya we hear has been banned from at least one radio station, DWTM.


--- Quote from: pinoymusika ---
It's more like plain ol' influence. Rivermaya we hear has been banned from at least one radio station, DWTM.

--- End quote ---

I think RiverMaya was not banned from 89.9 DWTM at all. It's just that their supposed-to-be guesting at the station's "Tunog Kalye", the weekly show where musical artists do their thing, live in the station. For the exact posting of co-manager Ms.Lizza G. Nakpil, follow <A HREF=""> this link to the Ground</A>.

More like the new album is banned under BMG persuasion, Polmags. Do you hear any single being played on say DWTM or RX 93.1?

little susie:

Maybe it's because the band's sound doesn't fit in with the rest of DWTM and RX's playlists, but I'm not sure.


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