
Author Topic: Leprous Guitarist Tor: I Now Believe Digital Amps Can Be as Good as Tube Amps  (Read 837 times)

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Leprous Guitarist Tor: I Now Believe Digital Amps Can Be as Good as Tube Amps

UG exclusive: "A year ago, if you would ask me I would say I really love the natural, organic amps with tubes. Because, to be honest, I haven't really tried."

Leprous guitarist Tor Oddmund Suhrke discussed his switch to digital amps, along with a few other interesting topics with UG interviewer David Slavković. You can check out the chat below.
UG: You are using Kemper amps. This is a big question for some people - do you hear any difference between the standard amps and Kemper? Do you maybe think it's better than a standard amp?

Tor: "A year ago, if you would ask me I would say I really love the natural, organic amps with tubes. Because, to be honest, I haven't really tried.

"I had like Line 6 POD at some point and then I heard a lot of other bands using like Axe-Fx and Kemper. And I wasn't really convinced... Of course, I can understand that it sounds really good and I've heard many people saying like that on a blind test you can't really tell the difference, but I've never really tried it.

"When I heard it live listening to many bands I didn't necessarily like that sound. And then we talked to some of the guys from Kemper when we were on the Devin [Townsend] tour in February this year and they talked us into trying it.

"And then after doing it I kind of had time to sit down and tune the amp the way I wanted to and to download some of the presets and profiles that somebody already made. And I just found out that it sounded really good.

"So now in our rehearsal room we're only using the Kempers for the sound and it's a lot easier. And now we also use in ears so you don't really have to make that much noise for everyone else, except for the drums, of course. And I've really grown to like the sound of it.

    "And the way I use the Kemper amps is... I've been starting now to use just a clean signal in my other amp as well because we both [Robin Ognedal and I] use the Kemper and a tube amp. On this tour I'm using the Fender Twin.

    "I'm using both [Kemper and Fender Twin on stage]. In the past I've used two amps, Blackstar amps, and then I've been blending the signals from the two amps to get the best signal, especially on the heavier parts.

    "And we also started to use DI box a lot, so we both have the DI signal and mic. But this time we tried to have a tube amp on mic and instead of having the DI box let's use the Kemper.

    "So now we're kind of blending the two signals. I was actually wanting to use the Blackstar Artisan combo amp, Artisan 30. It's kind of in the same genre from what I've really heard. The thing is I've never really tried it. I was trying to get it sorted out, but we didn't get the time to do it so in the end we had to rent some Fender Twin instead.

    "It's kind of like in the same style as the Fender Twin and the Vox AC30. I'm really interested in trying that in the future, but on this tour we're using the Kemper amps and the Fender Twin.

    "And I'm using also one of the Fender Twin profiles on Kemper actually. It's kind of similar but still it's different. And I'm using the same chain of distortion boxes just before sending it one to the Kemper and one to the Fender. So just the clean amp sounds and with some distortion boxes."
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Offline firemodel55

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Not meant to put you on the spot but...

What tube amps have you played in person?

What cabinets & speakers have you used?