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The Musician Forums => Music Technology & Pro Audio => Topic started by: skunkyfunk on April 22, 2006, 12:43:07 AM

Title: Studio Engineers, ever been yelled at by the producer?
Post by: skunkyfunk on April 22, 2006, 12:43:07 AM
In my case, I was yelled at by the co-producer while doing a recording session.  Funny, because I was the pihit-boy and producer at the same time.  And the guy who yelled at me was actually the vocalist.  I think he was dopesick...
Title: Studio Engineers, ever been yelled at by the producer?
Post by: BALDO on April 27, 2006, 11:23:02 AM
YES YES YES.. kasi naman i was a beginner sa field of recording, tapos walang sheet music man lang tapos new to my ear pa yung song.. imagine puros HEAVY GUNS pa yung sessionists hehehehe.. one was a drummer since 6 yrs old pa lang siya, yung bass player is a music professor and sessionist for several years at yung sax player e me master's degree sa music.. mabuti na lang they were patient enough. i was lucky to live through that scary experience hahahaha.