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The Musician Forums => Music Technology & Pro Audio => Topic started by: bahaw on November 21, 2010, 03:17:50 PM

Title: NGD: Yamaha HS-80m
Post by: bahaw on November 21, 2010, 03:17:50 PM
I noticed there aren't much review of this studio monitors in this forum so I decided to post one.  I'm a newbie when it comes to recording (as in audio engineering) but I do have experience recording as a musician.  Also, this is my first studio monitor so I can't really compare to other ones except for the ones I've used recording before.

I was torn apart whether to buy HS80m or HR624mk2 or HR824mk2.  I opted for HS80m with the ff: reasons - Price point and sound.  I listened to all of them, actually there was a JBL monitor available in my area but I read good reviews about the speakers I mentioned.

First I went to audition HS80m.  I had with me a CD with songs that I'm very familiar with including tracks that were recorded by my band before.  At first I was disappointed by what I heard.  The songs sounded harsh with highs and I couldn't hear the bass, but the mids projected really well.  But despite this, I heard our own tracks nearly as it was mixed in NS10 back then.  Then I figured I was in a big sales room with a lot noise, high ceiling and not acoustically treated.  The salesman was just too lazy to set it up in their listening room and only plugged in one speaker.  What a way to audition you might say.

Next I went to another store across town to listen to HR624mk2 and its big brother HR824mk2.  Again the salesman set it up in their sales room and one speaker (Oh yeah, Saudi is a country with no customer service!).  When I heard 624, I was astonished.  It sounded really good and I was almost convinced.  The highs were just right, the bass was really audible although I find it a bit muddy, and the mids were well pronounced. Then we plugged in 824 and I was more convinced 824 is the one.  The sound coming out of this speaker is well defined it will pass as a hi fi speaker.  But the price is way beyond my budget.  One speaker costs about a pair of the HS80m.

And so I slept for a few nights thinking which one to buy.  I was actually waiting for the sale days to come.  I finally pulled the trigger and bought HS80m.  Brought it home, unpacked it, and listened until 4am.  I couldn't stop because the sound coming out of it is plain and simply honest.  My home recording room is not acoustically treated but it sounded just right for me.  The tracks we recorded before sounded the way it was recorded and mixed.  I'm still convinced the highs is a bit too much but really crisp. The mids is perfect. The bass now is loud and clear enough to be heard (I guess it bec. of my room).  I don't think I need the sub woofer, HS10m.  I'm using the flat settings until now, I haven't fiddled with the notches at the back.

All in all, I'm really satisfied with my purchase. To those looking out for monitors, I would recommend you also audition HS80m.