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The Musician Forums => Guitar Central => Topic started by: kelsamp08 on June 13, 2007, 03:57:11 PM

Title: Help naman sa mga fuzz.
Post by: kelsamp08 on June 13, 2007, 03:57:11 PM
I had this problem for a long time now, well to be exact in what string. E A and 5th - 13th (ithink)  Fret of B string. I had ask the guitar shop i always go to and when i said the problem they say adjust the truss rod. Well, ahmm. I didn't try it yet. because i have read in some maintenance about guitar that the truss rod should be adjusted with knowledge.

Questions.  :?  :?
So ahmm.. is it really the truss rod ?

And if it is the truss rod and i got the equipment (the wrench i think) should i turn it clockwise or counterclockwise ?

Or i should just go to the guitar shop and let them do the job ?