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The Music Forums => Free-for-all Artists forum => Topic started by: AskBianca on December 13, 2005, 09:11:02 AM

Post by: AskBianca on December 13, 2005, 09:11:02 AM
Female Bass Guitar Player Wanted ASAP please!

-   16-19 years old
-   plays the genre of punk/alternative rock/contemporary songs; songs of Avril Lavigne, Greenday, Maroon5, Lyndsay Lohan, etc,,..
-   lives within the area of project 2 and 3
-   can give off practice session atleast 2-3 times a week

 We’re not looking for professional players. As long as you can play good, it’s alright with us. It’s good if you have your own instrument, but if you don’t, it will be alright.  We need a bass guitar by December 16, 2005 this Friday. If you have a friend that could play drums and fulfills the above requirements, he/she may also join the band because we need a drummer.

  If you’re interested or you wanna consider please email me ASAP AT

because there’s a first meeting by next week, school Christmas break, before we get to jam first. Thank you!