
Author Topic: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER  (Read 1036 times)

Offline fred

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« on: January 11, 2012, 03:06:17 PM »
This is a long time coming and the game play reflects some straight-forward lack of the once glorious magic that it had when the first games came out more than a decade ago. Simply put--the developers could really have done a better job and they did not.

That said and done, DNF is still very much old school -- although it does give some nod to the modern games by having  an auto-regenerating "LIFE BAR" -- this time indicated by "EGO". Other than that, the character still does remain one of the coolest personas ever. It is Duke Nukem, after all-- and if you were addicted to this game franchise when it first came out in the 90's -- then it bears saying that you will want to play this game  no matter if it got hit by largely negative reviews.

First : The game takes a long time to load. However, I found out that this is easily fixed by REDUCING the screen resolution. If you play this on full screen mode then the loading time goes bad. Playing it in a smaller screen fixes the problem altogether. The smaller screen does not get bothersome at all and you won't even notice it when playing.

SECOND: DNF retains it's old game puzzles as to what to do when you seem stuck and can't get out of a particular room or situation. Again, this is just one of the factors that Duke Nukem became famous for when it first came out but fans of the newer game types will hate this. No way around it but to just live with the puzzles and go on.

THIRD : Some chapters do get boring and this is a clear result of  the length of time the developers took in creating this new version. It seems the old game was mixed in with some new and modern elements and sadly... it does not seem to work as expected. On the other hand, some chapters, specially many boss fights are very good.

Duke Nukem Forever is not a very exciting game. Still, it is Duke Nukem himself and fingering an organic alien door that looks like a Va_ _ na to open it (the way he does) is just ole classic Duke.

« Last Edit: January 12, 2012, 08:25:43 PM by fred »
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