
Author Topic: LF: guitarist and bassist(Makati area)  (Read 752 times)

Offline berbak

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LF: guitarist and bassist(Makati area)
« on: August 31, 2014, 08:47:51 PM »
Looking for:

-must have own gears(effects,guitar,amp)
Must willing to contribute lyrics and share ideas on song writtings.

-must have own gear(effects,bass guitar and amp)
must contribute in song writting.

Foreign influence:
Blink 182,sensesfail,real friends,taking back sunday,four year strong,conditions....

Local influence:
typecast,the ambassadors,urbandub,faspitch....

Me and the vocalist have previous band which is not active anymore.
Our main goal is to write and record original composition. And our priority is our studies and work. Atleast to have gig twice a month,due to our busy shedule.
Regarding the recording we have our own recording equipment.

