
Author Topic: what is the difference between a high output pickup and low output pickup???  (Read 1024 times)

Offline Zacchary_amadeus

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is there a difference in terms of their attributes to 60 cycle hum??? thanks sa sasagot
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Offline horge

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You mean, in single coils?
High-output pickups commonly feature additional windings and/or a stronger magnet, to generate a
stronger output signal sent to the amp. The coil of wire tends to serve as an "antenna" that will pick
up EM noise, including the EM field generated by 50/60 Hz alternating current. Adding extra windings
in the name of higher output will make tend to make this "antenna" more sensitive.

There are of course, MANY ways to limit susceptibility to EM noise, but the real problem is that by
making the pickup "hotter", the highs and midrange are pronounced at the cost of very murky lows.
It's also obviously a lot easier to boost a mild signal in order to overdrive an amp when you want (via
stompboxes, etc), than to take a strong, dirt-tending signal and dial it down to clean intimacy.


« Last Edit: July 06, 2016, 03:44:49 PM by horge »

Offline Zacchary_amadeus

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You mean, in single coils?
High-output pickups commonly feature additional windings and/or a stronger magnet, to generate a
stronger output signal sent to the amp. The coil of wire tends to serve as an "antenna" that will pick
up EM noise, including the EM field generated by 50/60 Hz alternating current. Adding extra windings
in the name of higher output will make tend to make this "antenna" more sensitive.

There are of course, MANY ways to limit susceptibility to EM noise, but the real problem is that by
making the pickup "hotter", the highs and midrange are pronounced at the cost of very murky lows.
It's also obviously a lot easier to boost a mild signal in order to overdrive an amp when you want (via
stompboxes, etc), than to take a strong, dirt-tending signal and dial it down to clean intimacy.


Thanks im planning to replace all the circuitry wirings of my yamaha pacifica pac012
Will replace its pickups and pots as well. I want to replace it with high output single coils and humbucker
Will do place shielding too, its too noisy i have already noise suppressor but still too noisy i have already noiseless cables but still noisy
Even the volume pots is weird when turned on to 9 oclock the noise suppressor becomes useless.. I will go to mang max soon on september..
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Offline fishsago

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mas masarap sa dirt pag low output  :)

Offline taniguesashimi

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hotter does not mean better or quieter.

even some humbuckers are noisier than other humbuckers.

medium output HBs with unbalanced coils are most versatile pups you can have in my opinion.

the noise you are experiencing might be just the shielding or simple ground wiring... or you are just using too much gain. Yes, too much gain...