
Author Topic: Vote for ATONE band(MARCH 24-30) Online battle of the bands! :P  (Read 877 times)

Offline shadesofivory180

  • Veteran Member
  • **** is one of the leading service portal in Southeast Asia and will be holding an Online Battle of the bands.The Voting period will start on March 24 and ends on the 31st.(2008)

Most of my friends will be joining the said event but ive already gave my word to this band,ATONE.

Atone is a metal/progressive band composed of Paolo Trinidad(vocals),Fael Cruz(guitars),Rob Mayoralgo(guitars),JA Lim(bass) and Shaun Hilario(drums)

I have reviewed their videos on Youtube.Based on my constructive observation,i may not know them personally but these guys have skills that of a VIRTUOSOS'.

The Philippine Indie Music scene is quite saturated already due to most musicians would just write a song with a catchy melody to sell their albums.

So please,if you are MUSIC-WISE or a true artist, PLEASE VOTE WISELY.

For more information about the Online Battle of the Bands,go to this link:
« Last Edit: March 17, 2008, 03:07:11 AM by shadesofivory180 »