
Author Topic: Miking a Splash on the snare technique  (Read 833 times)

Offline nolit

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Miking a Splash on the snare technique
« on: February 06, 2014, 08:41:40 PM »
I did a research as a client wanted to do a cracky snare on his song without using those samplers or what have you. I ended up reading on how they recorded that gigantic drum sound on Alicia Key's Girl On Fire. So it is that splash on top of the snare technique. The idea is to hit the snare and the the vibrations of the snare will pick up the rattle of the splash resting on the batter head of the snare. So how do you mike this? Further research I realized you can use a standard SM57 on the snare top, probably a nice dynamic on the bottom, and a ribbon mic some 3 feet away from the snare top. The ribbon will pick up that ambient after hit rattle with warmth of a ribbon mic. So it wont be annoying high cracky sound usually attributed to "digitalized" sound.  This will also give you preparations to build up sidechains or busses for that "80's" plate reverb technique mala phil colins.

Does anyone here know of any other technique to achieve this cracky snare?