
Author Topic: Chromatic Experiment  (Read 1060 times)

Offline jherz

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Chromatic Experiment
« on: March 27, 2006, 02:23:57 PM »

Chromatic Experiment was formerly known as “4 Part Invention” then later as “Inventions”. Band name’s derived from the chromatic scale; is any musical scale that contains more than one consecutive half-step (in other words two adjacent pairs of scale degrees or members which are separated by a semitone). A pattern that results when all twelve adjacent semitones in an octave are played successively. Combined by experimenting those tones thus, name came out.
Chromatic Experiment is formed to pay homage to all of there musical heroes. You can hear some of their influences creeping in theirs songs and style of playing. And because of that they were forever grateful for them. Now, this is the only way of thanking their masters for their inspiration and influences they have absorbed.

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Offline jherz

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Re: Chromatic Experiment
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2007, 12:06:18 AM »
Hello rockers!!!

Kindly visit our new/enhanced website!

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Thanks for your time! Peace be with you!

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Offline Chromatic_Experiment

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Re: Chromatic Experiment
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2007, 05:29:10 PM »

Jojo A! (All The Way)'s new name for a new segment at a new channel.

Yes! Jojo A. Is now a kapuso. Hope you'll support his show all the way! Where anything goes here.

Catch it & experience laughter weeknights (Mondays thru Fridays). 11pm-11:30pm at GMA's QTV (Quality TV). QTV-11 (Channel 11).

And your's truly. CHROMATIC EXPERIMENT is included as well. Hope that you'll switch your televisions to QTV-11 on October 9th 2007 (Tuesday). 11pm-11:30pm. Also please visit our website:

Cheers & many Thanks!
Chromatic Scales:
Explored and experimented.
Amalgamating the rock genres.