
Author Topic: Is an original electric guitar matters than local?  (Read 125103 times)


  • Philmusicus Addictus
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Re: Is an original electric guitar matters than local?
« Reply #575 on: December 20, 2010, 04:19:04 PM »
 :lol: :lol: uso mga nabubuhay na thread a
references:mrpentatonic,mavsweep,pepeman,guitarpoets, studiowan,shredmaestrobri,sereyor,darkflan,maniacally_cool,bentoinks, kurseth,caloi,alcohol,ryansatriani,rg570,jhule77,ARIS,freongang,jamesroy,brianlp,nimrodthebomber,gruthang,inigo,buls,tapslore,

Offline xelalien

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Re: Is an original electric guitar matters than local?
« Reply #576 on: December 20, 2010, 05:44:19 PM »
happy holidays and happy anniversary sa thread na to!! :evil:

Offline dullFingers

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Re: Is an original electric guitar matters than local?
« Reply #577 on: December 24, 2010, 11:38:19 PM »
maybe it's time to lock this thread. merry xmas to all

Offline inzsairis

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Re: Is an original electric guitar matters than local?
« Reply #578 on: December 24, 2010, 11:46:05 PM »
stamping my name on this historic thread! :-D

uber resurection... :D
Inter spem et metum... Inter arma carita

Offline turiguiliano

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Re: Is an original electric guitar matters than local?
« Reply #579 on: December 24, 2010, 11:46:45 PM »
This thread.

Just epic.
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Offline polens

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Re: Is an original electric guitar matters than local?
« Reply #580 on: December 25, 2010, 12:53:35 AM »
wow 2006 huh.....  :lol: :lol:

Offline killjom

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Re: Is an original electric guitar matters than local?
« Reply #582 on: December 25, 2010, 02:50:42 AM »
LOL! Talagang hindi namatay tong thread na to.  :lol: First year college pa lang ako neto, at ngayon tapos na ko.  :lol:
« Last Edit: December 25, 2010, 03:13:01 AM by killjom »
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Re: Is an original electric guitar matters than local?
« Reply #583 on: December 25, 2010, 04:51:46 PM »

Could I have been anyone other than me?
Could I have been anyone?

Offline markv

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Re: Is an original electric guitar matters than local?
« Reply #584 on: December 25, 2010, 10:31:27 PM »
Let's talk again about an all-too-familiar subject: is an original electric guitar matters than local? and its mentally deficient undertakings. Permit me this forum to rant. If you are not smart enough to realize this, then you become the victim of your own ignorance. Although a thorough discussion of discourteous diabolism is beyond the scope of this letter, is an original electric guitar matters than local? either is or elects to be ignorant of scientific principles and methods. It even intentionally misuses scientific terminology to undermine the basic values of work, responsibility, and family. I realize that some people may have trouble reading this letter. Granted, not everyone knows what "biblicopsychological" means, but it's nevertheless easy to understand that if I withheld my feelings on this matter, I'd be no less pernicious than is an original electric guitar matters than local?. I unequivocally insist that is an original electric guitar matters than local? thinks there should be a law prohibiting people from saying any harsh or unkind things against it. Deal with it.

I don't want to build castles in the air. I don't want to plan things that I can't yet implement. But I do want to let is an original electric guitar matters than local? know, in no uncertain terms, that it feels no guilt for any of the harm it's caused because doing so clearly demonstrates how it is the embodiment of everything petty in our lives. Every grievance, every envy, every inconsiderate ideology finds expression in is an original electric guitar matters than local?. The best advice I can give to a group is to criticize is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s complicity in the widespread establishment of misoneism. That's just a fancy way of saying that my cause is to help you reflect and reexamine your views on is an original electric guitar matters than local?. I call upon men and women from all walks of life to support my cause with their life-affirming eloquence and indomitable spirit of human decency and moral righteousness. Only then will the whole world realize that is an original electric guitar matters than local? accuses me of being a liar. The only proven liar around here, however, is is an original electric guitar matters than local?. Only a die-hard liar like is an original electric guitar matters than local? could claim that governments should have the right to lie to their own subjects or to other governments. The truth, in case you haven't already figured it out, is that its hypnopompic insights are rife with contradictions and difficulties; they're thoroughly predaceous, meet no objective criteria, and are unsuited for a supposedly educated population. And as if that weren't enough, its obtrusive campaigns of malice and malignity are in full flower, and their poisonous petals of conformism are blooming all around us.

Although is an original electric guitar matters than local? babbles on and on about particularism, it has no more conception of it than any other otiose fault-finder. Of course, in a discussion of this type, one should obviously mention that is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s cat's-paws believe that "is an original electric guitar matters than local? is a spokesman for God." First off, that's a lousy sentence. If they had written instead that is an original electric guitar matters than local? is a wee bit overzealous in its defense of heathenism then that quote would have had more validity. As it stands, there are those who are informed and educated about the evils of officialism, and there are those who are not. Is an original electric guitar matters than local? is one of the uninformed, naturally, and that's why I can say one thing about it. It understands better than any of us that psychological impact is paramount—not facts, not anybody's principles, not right and wrong. I'm not suggesting that we behave likewise. I'm suggesting only that I believe I have found my calling. My calling is to take steps toward creating an inclusive society free of attitudinal barriers. And just let it try and stop me.

Many people are worried that is an original electric guitar matters than local? will send the wrong message to children faster than you can say "thyroparathyroidectomize". I don't like to speculate on uncertain things, but I will say that difficult times lie ahead. Fortunately, we have the capacity to circumvent much of the impending misery by working together to tell is an original electric guitar matters than local? how wrong it is. Anyone who follows today's debates on exclusivism and, by happenstance, is also familiar with is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s disruptive, savage tractates is struck by that old truism: Every so often, is an original electric guitar matters than local? tries peddling the snake oil of slatternly priggism. Whenever it gets caught doing so it raises a terrific hullabaloo calculated to incite young people to copulate early, often, and indiscriminately.

Is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s false-flag operations are not an abstract problem. They have very concrete, immediate, and unpleasant consequences. For instance, is an original electric guitar matters than local? sees no reason why it shouldn't progressively enlarge and increasingly centralize the means of oppression, exploitation, violence, and destruction. It is only through an enlightened, outraged citizenry that such moral turpitude, corruption, and degradation of the law can be brought to a halt. So, let me enlighten and outrage you by stating that the most snarky extortionists you'll ever see conform their opinions about what is right and what is wrong to their perception of is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s opinions and behavior. Let me try to explain what I mean by that in a single sentence: If you think that is an original electric guitar matters than local? answers to no one, then think again.

How on earth these New Age nutters can think of themselves as anything but fickle, pestiferous barbarians is beyond me. For the moment, is an original electric guitar matters than local? makes no secret of the fact that many innocent people are being manipulated into marginalizing me based on my gender, race, or religion by the most sickening display of devious, shallow cant that I have ever witnessed in my entire life. The real question here is not, "Is is an original electric guitar matters than local? a professional simpleton or merely a well-meaning amateur?". The real question is rather, "Which of the seven deadly sins—pride, envy, anger, sadness, avarice, gluttony, and lust—does is an original electric guitar matters than local? not commit on a daily basis?" That happens to be a matter on which I do not care to venture either an opinion or a guess. I do, however, feel that I should state that is an original electric guitar matters than local? truly believes that it is beyond reproach. I hope you realize that that's just a money-grubbing pipe dream from a covinous pipe and that in the real world, is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s toadies' thinking is fenced in by many constraints. Their minds are not free because they dare not be.

Is an original electric guitar matters than local? can blame me for the influx of debauched nincompoops if it makes it feel better but it won't help its cause any. I assert that there are in fact many people who possess the intelligence, wisdom, talent, and ability to put is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s short-sighted convictions to the question. My goal is to locate those people and encourage them to help me expose is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s malversation.

Is this anything other than self-righteous plagiarism? The answer is obvious if you happen to notice that I feel that writing this letter is like celestial navigation. Before directional instruments were invented, sailors navigated the seas by fixing their compass on the North Star. However, if is an original electric guitar matters than local? were to trick them into fixing their compass on the wrong star they'd soon be so off-course that they'd actually be willing to help it leach integrity and honor from our souls. Pardon my coarse language, but I cannot compromise with is an original electric guitar matters than local?; it is without principles. I cannot reason with it; it is without reason. But I can warn it and with a warning it must doubtlessly take to heart: I should note that our path is set. By this, I mean that in order to embrace the cause of self-determination and recognize the leading role and clearer understanding of those people for whom the quintessential struggle is an encompassing liberation movement against the totality of defeatism, we must ensure that we survive and emerge triumphant out of the coming chaos and destruction. I consider that requirement a small price to pay because the pen is a powerful tool. Why don't we use that tool to justify condemnation, constructive criticism, and ridicule of is an original electric guitar matters than local? and its self-aggrandizing tricks?

Is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s latest expedients have arisen like a phoenix out of the ashes and failures of their ignominious forebears. But the problems with is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s put-downs don't end there. There are three points I need to make here. First, is an original electric guitar matters than local? proclaims at every opportunity that its mission is to lobotomize everyone caught thinking an independent thought. Second, I would much rather launch an all-out ideological attack against the forces of neopaganism than waste my precious time chastising rebarbative cadgers. And third, some people think it's a bit extreme of me to take the initiative to solve our problems over a negotiating table instead of resorting to the battlefield—a bit over the top, perhaps. Well, what I ought to remind such people is that is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s understrappers warrant that is an original electric guitar matters than local? knows 100% of everything 100% of the time. I say to them, "Prove it"—not that they'll be able to, of course, but because while decent people sit by, snore, and have their maws open, is an original electric guitar matters than local? is out demonstrating an outright hostility to law enforcement. That shouldn't surprise you when you consider that we must show it that we are not powerless pedestrians on the asphalt of life. We must show is an original electric guitar matters than local? that we can build a new understanding that can transport us to tomorrow. Maybe then is an original electric guitar matters than local? will realize that its favorite tactic is known as "deceiving with the truth". The idea behind this tactic is that is an original electric guitar matters than local? wins our trust by revealing the truth but leaving some of it out. This makes us less likely to oppose evil wherever it rears its foul-mouthed head.

This is a lesson for those with eyes to see. It is a lesson not so much about is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s hectoring behavior but about the way that is an original electric guitar matters than local? pompously claims that it should be a given a direct pipeline to the National Treasury. That sort of nonsense impresses many people, unfortunately. Ancient Greek dramatists discerned a peculiar virtue in being tragic. Is an original electric guitar matters than local? would do well to realize that they never discerned any virtue in being lewd. Is an original electric guitar matters than local? will probably respond to this letter just like it responds to all criticism. It will put me down as "wicked" or "pathetic". That's its standard answer to everyone who says or writes anything about it except the most fawning praise. I have just enough stomach left to address one last instance of is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s vindictive imbecility: Is an original electric guitar matters than local? sincerely believes that mediocrity and normalcy are ideal virtues.


Offline inzsairis

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Re: Is an original electric guitar matters than local?
« Reply #586 on: December 26, 2010, 02:01:47 AM »
Let's talk again about an all-too-familiar subject: is an original electric guitar matters than local? and its mentally deficient undertakings. Permit me this forum to rant. If you are not smart enough to realize this, then you become the victim of your own ignorance. Although a thorough discussion of discourteous diabolism is beyond the scope of this letter, is an original electric guitar matters than local? either is or elects to be ignorant of scientific principles and methods. It even intentionally misuses scientific terminology to undermine the basic values of work, responsibility, and family. I realize that some people may have trouble reading this letter. Granted, not everyone knows what "biblicopsychological" means, but it's nevertheless easy to understand that if I withheld my feelings on this matter, I'd be no less pernicious than is an original electric guitar matters than local?. I unequivocally insist that is an original electric guitar matters than local? thinks there should be a law prohibiting people from saying any harsh or unkind things against it. Deal with it.

I don't want to build castles in the air. I don't want to plan things that I can't yet implement. But I do want to let is an original electric guitar matters than local? know, in no uncertain terms, that it feels no guilt for any of the harm it's caused because doing so clearly demonstrates how it is the embodiment of everything petty in our lives. Every grievance, every envy, every inconsiderate ideology finds expression in is an original electric guitar matters than local?. The best advice I can give to a group is to criticize is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s complicity in the widespread establishment of misoneism. That's just a fancy way of saying that my cause is to help you reflect and reexamine your views on is an original electric guitar matters than local?. I call upon men and women from all walks of life to support my cause with their life-affirming eloquence and indomitable spirit of human decency and moral righteousness. Only then will the whole world realize that is an original electric guitar matters than local? accuses me of being a liar. The only proven liar around here, however, is is an original electric guitar matters than local?. Only a die-hard liar like is an original electric guitar matters than local? could claim that governments should have the right to lie to their own subjects or to other governments. The truth, in case you haven't already figured it out, is that its hypnopompic insights are rife with contradictions and difficulties; they're thoroughly predaceous, meet no objective criteria, and are unsuited for a supposedly educated population. And as if that weren't enough, its obtrusive campaigns of malice and malignity are in full flower, and their poisonous petals of conformism are blooming all around us.

Although is an original electric guitar matters than local? babbles on and on about particularism, it has no more conception of it than any other otiose fault-finder. Of course, in a discussion of this type, one should obviously mention that is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s cat's-paws believe that "is an original electric guitar matters than local? is a spokesman for God." First off, that's a lousy sentence. If they had written instead that is an original electric guitar matters than local? is a wee bit overzealous in its defense of heathenism then that quote would have had more validity. As it stands, there are those who are informed and educated about the evils of officialism, and there are those who are not. Is an original electric guitar matters than local? is one of the uninformed, naturally, and that's why I can say one thing about it. It understands better than any of us that psychological impact is paramount—not facts, not anybody's principles, not right and wrong. I'm not suggesting that we behave likewise. I'm suggesting only that I believe I have found my calling. My calling is to take steps toward creating an inclusive society free of attitudinal barriers. And just let it try and stop me.

Many people are worried that is an original electric guitar matters than local? will send the wrong message to children faster than you can say "thyroparathyroidectomize". I don't like to speculate on uncertain things, but I will say that difficult times lie ahead. Fortunately, we have the capacity to circumvent much of the impending misery by working together to tell is an original electric guitar matters than local? how wrong it is. Anyone who follows today's debates on exclusivism and, by happenstance, is also familiar with is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s disruptive, savage tractates is struck by that old truism: Every so often, is an original electric guitar matters than local? tries peddling the snake oil of slatternly priggism. Whenever it gets caught doing so it raises a terrific hullabaloo calculated to incite young people to copulate early, often, and indiscriminately.

Is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s false-flag operations are not an abstract problem. They have very concrete, immediate, and unpleasant consequences. For instance, is an original electric guitar matters than local? sees no reason why it shouldn't progressively enlarge and increasingly centralize the means of oppression, exploitation, violence, and destruction. It is only through an enlightened, outraged citizenry that such moral turpitude, corruption, and degradation of the law can be brought to a halt. So, let me enlighten and outrage you by stating that the most snarky extortionists you'll ever see conform their opinions about what is right and what is wrong to their perception of is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s opinions and behavior. Let me try to explain what I mean by that in a single sentence: If you think that is an original electric guitar matters than local? answers to no one, then think again.

How on earth these New Age nutters can think of themselves as anything but fickle, pestiferous barbarians is beyond me. For the moment, is an original electric guitar matters than local? makes no secret of the fact that many innocent people are being manipulated into marginalizing me based on my gender, race, or religion by the most sickening display of devious, shallow cant that I have ever witnessed in my entire life. The real question here is not, "Is is an original electric guitar matters than local? a professional simpleton or merely a well-meaning amateur?". The real question is rather, "Which of the seven deadly sins—pride, envy, anger, sadness, avarice, gluttony, and lust—does is an original electric guitar matters than local? not commit on a daily basis?" That happens to be a matter on which I do not care to venture either an opinion or a guess. I do, however, feel that I should state that is an original electric guitar matters than local? truly believes that it is beyond reproach. I hope you realize that that's just a money-grubbing pipe dream from a covinous pipe and that in the real world, is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s toadies' thinking is fenced in by many constraints. Their minds are not free because they dare not be.

Is an original electric guitar matters than local? can blame me for the influx of debauched nincompoops if it makes it feel better but it won't help its cause any. I assert that there are in fact many people who possess the intelligence, wisdom, talent, and ability to put is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s short-sighted convictions to the question. My goal is to locate those people and encourage them to help me expose is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s malversation.

Is this anything other than self-righteous plagiarism? The answer is obvious if you happen to notice that I feel that writing this letter is like celestial navigation. Before directional instruments were invented, sailors navigated the seas by fixing their compass on the North Star. However, if is an original electric guitar matters than local? were to trick them into fixing their compass on the wrong star they'd soon be so off-course that they'd actually be willing to help it leach integrity and honor from our souls. Pardon my coarse language, but I cannot compromise with is an original electric guitar matters than local?; it is without principles. I cannot reason with it; it is without reason. But I can warn it and with a warning it must doubtlessly take to heart: I should note that our path is set. By this, I mean that in order to embrace the cause of self-determination and recognize the leading role and clearer understanding of those people for whom the quintessential struggle is an encompassing liberation movement against the totality of defeatism, we must ensure that we survive and emerge triumphant out of the coming chaos and destruction. I consider that requirement a small price to pay because the pen is a powerful tool. Why don't we use that tool to justify condemnation, constructive criticism, and ridicule of is an original electric guitar matters than local? and its self-aggrandizing tricks?

Is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s latest expedients have arisen like a phoenix out of the ashes and failures of their ignominious forebears. But the problems with is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s put-downs don't end there. There are three points I need to make here. First, is an original electric guitar matters than local? proclaims at every opportunity that its mission is to lobotomize everyone caught thinking an independent thought. Second, I would much rather launch an all-out ideological attack against the forces of neopaganism than waste my precious time chastising rebarbative cadgers. And third, some people think it's a bit extreme of me to take the initiative to solve our problems over a negotiating table instead of resorting to the battlefield—a bit over the top, perhaps. Well, what I ought to remind such people is that is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s understrappers warrant that is an original electric guitar matters than local? knows 100% of everything 100% of the time. I say to them, "Prove it"—not that they'll be able to, of course, but because while decent people sit by, snore, and have their maws open, is an original electric guitar matters than local? is out demonstrating an outright hostility to law enforcement. That shouldn't surprise you when you consider that we must show it that we are not powerless pedestrians on the asphalt of life. We must show is an original electric guitar matters than local? that we can build a new understanding that can transport us to tomorrow. Maybe then is an original electric guitar matters than local? will realize that its favorite tactic is known as "deceiving with the truth". The idea behind this tactic is that is an original electric guitar matters than local? wins our trust by revealing the truth but leaving some of it out. This makes us less likely to oppose evil wherever it rears its foul-mouthed head.

This is a lesson for those with eyes to see. It is a lesson not so much about is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s hectoring behavior but about the way that is an original electric guitar matters than local? pompously claims that it should be a given a direct pipeline to the National Treasury. That sort of nonsense impresses many people, unfortunately. Ancient Greek dramatists discerned a peculiar virtue in being tragic. Is an original electric guitar matters than local? would do well to realize that they never discerned any virtue in being lewd. Is an original electric guitar matters than local? will probably respond to this letter just like it responds to all criticism. It will put me down as "wicked" or "pathetic". That's its standard answer to everyone who says or writes anything about it except the most fawning praise. I have just enough stomach left to address one last instance of is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s vindictive imbecility: Is an original electric guitar matters than local? sincerely believes that mediocrity and normalcy are ideal virtues.


lol hahaha... :lol: coke? or china?
Inter spem et metum... Inter arma carita

Offline beggarsmoon

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Re: Is an original electric guitar matters than local?
« Reply #587 on: December 26, 2010, 02:36:11 AM »
Hahaha, napaka profound at verbose naman ng post ni markv, natawa ako  :-D
I hate "txt" spelling; please if you are going to say something spell it out either in English or Filipino. Thank you.

Schecter for Sale,216709.0.html

Offline derekdecastro

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Re: Is an original electric guitar matters than local?
« Reply #588 on: December 26, 2010, 01:10:35 PM »
mag masters ka naman.. tignan natin kung andito pa tong thread na to, gawin mo nang thesis... hahaha
+1 :lol:

Offline killjom

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Re: Is an original electric guitar matters than local?
« Reply #589 on: December 26, 2010, 07:27:36 PM »
mag masters ka naman.. tignan natin kung andito pa tong thread na to, gawin mo nang thesis... hahaha

LOL!  :lol: PWEDE!  :lol:
Fear neither fire nor blood.

Offline burnsbhm

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Re: Is an original electric guitar matters than local?
« Reply #590 on: December 26, 2010, 08:46:52 PM »
Let's talk again about an all-too-familiar subject: is an original electric guitar matters than local? and its mentally deficient undertakings. Permit me this forum to rant. If you are not smart enough to realize this, then you become the victim of your own ignorance. Although a thorough discussion of discourteous diabolism is beyond the scope of this letter, is an original electric guitar matters than local? either is or elects to be ignorant of scientific principles and methods. It even intentionally misuses scientific terminology to undermine the basic values of work, responsibility, and family. I realize that some people may have trouble reading this letter. Granted, not everyone knows what "biblicopsychological" means, but it's nevertheless easy to understand that if I withheld my feelings on this matter, I'd be no less pernicious than is an original electric guitar matters than local?. I unequivocally insist that is an original electric guitar matters than local? thinks there should be a law prohibiting people from saying any harsh or unkind things against it. Deal with it.

I don't want to build castles in the air. I don't want to plan things that I can't yet implement. But I do want to let is an original electric guitar matters than local? know, in no uncertain terms, that it feels no guilt for any of the harm it's caused because doing so clearly demonstrates how it is the embodiment of everything petty in our lives. Every grievance, every envy, every inconsiderate ideology finds expression in is an original electric guitar matters than local?. The best advice I can give to a group is to criticize is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s complicity in the widespread establishment of misoneism. That's just a fancy way of saying that my cause is to help you reflect and reexamine your views on is an original electric guitar matters than local?. I call upon men and women from all walks of life to support my cause with their life-affirming eloquence and indomitable spirit of human decency and moral righteousness. Only then will the whole world realize that is an original electric guitar matters than local? accuses me of being a liar. The only proven liar around here, however, is is an original electric guitar matters than local?. Only a die-hard liar like is an original electric guitar matters than local? could claim that governments should have the right to lie to their own subjects or to other governments. The truth, in case you haven't already figured it out, is that its hypnopompic insights are rife with contradictions and difficulties; they're thoroughly predaceous, meet no objective criteria, and are unsuited for a supposedly educated population. And as if that weren't enough, its obtrusive campaigns of malice and malignity are in full flower, and their poisonous petals of conformism are blooming all around us.

Although is an original electric guitar matters than local? babbles on and on about particularism, it has no more conception of it than any other otiose fault-finder. Of course, in a discussion of this type, one should obviously mention that is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s cat's-paws believe that "is an original electric guitar matters than local? is a spokesman for God." First off, that's a lousy sentence. If they had written instead that is an original electric guitar matters than local? is a wee bit overzealous in its defense of heathenism then that quote would have had more validity. As it stands, there are those who are informed and educated about the evils of officialism, and there are those who are not. Is an original electric guitar matters than local? is one of the uninformed, naturally, and that's why I can say one thing about it. It understands better than any of us that psychological impact is paramount—not facts, not anybody's principles, not right and wrong. I'm not suggesting that we behave likewise. I'm suggesting only that I believe I have found my calling. My calling is to take steps toward creating an inclusive society free of attitudinal barriers. And just let it try and stop me.

Many people are worried that is an original electric guitar matters than local? will send the wrong message to children faster than you can say "thyroparathyroidectomize". I don't like to speculate on uncertain things, but I will say that difficult times lie ahead. Fortunately, we have the capacity to circumvent much of the impending misery by working together to tell is an original electric guitar matters than local? how wrong it is. Anyone who follows today's debates on exclusivism and, by happenstance, is also familiar with is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s disruptive, savage tractates is struck by that old truism: Every so often, is an original electric guitar matters than local? tries peddling the snake oil of slatternly priggism. Whenever it gets caught doing so it raises a terrific hullabaloo calculated to incite young people to copulate early, often, and indiscriminately.

Is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s false-flag operations are not an abstract problem. They have very concrete, immediate, and unpleasant consequences. For instance, is an original electric guitar matters than local? sees no reason why it shouldn't progressively enlarge and increasingly centralize the means of oppression, exploitation, violence, and destruction. It is only through an enlightened, outraged citizenry that such moral turpitude, corruption, and degradation of the law can be brought to a halt. So, let me enlighten and outrage you by stating that the most snarky extortionists you'll ever see conform their opinions about what is right and what is wrong to their perception of is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s opinions and behavior. Let me try to explain what I mean by that in a single sentence: If you think that is an original electric guitar matters than local? answers to no one, then think again.

How on earth these New Age nutters can think of themselves as anything but fickle, pestiferous barbarians is beyond me. For the moment, is an original electric guitar matters than local? makes no secret of the fact that many innocent people are being manipulated into marginalizing me based on my gender, race, or religion by the most sickening display of devious, shallow cant that I have ever witnessed in my entire life. The real question here is not, "Is is an original electric guitar matters than local? a professional simpleton or merely a well-meaning amateur?". The real question is rather, "Which of the seven deadly sins—pride, envy, anger, sadness, avarice, gluttony, and lust—does is an original electric guitar matters than local? not commit on a daily basis?" That happens to be a matter on which I do not care to venture either an opinion or a guess. I do, however, feel that I should state that is an original electric guitar matters than local? truly believes that it is beyond reproach. I hope you realize that that's just a money-grubbing pipe dream from a covinous pipe and that in the real world, is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s toadies' thinking is fenced in by many constraints. Their minds are not free because they dare not be.

Is an original electric guitar matters than local? can blame me for the influx of debauched nincompoops if it makes it feel better but it won't help its cause any. I assert that there are in fact many people who possess the intelligence, wisdom, talent, and ability to put is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s short-sighted convictions to the question. My goal is to locate those people and encourage them to help me expose is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s malversation.

Is this anything other than self-righteous plagiarism? The answer is obvious if you happen to notice that I feel that writing this letter is like celestial navigation. Before directional instruments were invented, sailors navigated the seas by fixing their compass on the North Star. However, if is an original electric guitar matters than local? were to trick them into fixing their compass on the wrong star they'd soon be so off-course that they'd actually be willing to help it leach integrity and honor from our souls. Pardon my coarse language, but I cannot compromise with is an original electric guitar matters than local?; it is without principles. I cannot reason with it; it is without reason. But I can warn it and with a warning it must doubtlessly take to heart: I should note that our path is set. By this, I mean that in order to embrace the cause of self-determination and recognize the leading role and clearer understanding of those people for whom the quintessential struggle is an encompassing liberation movement against the totality of defeatism, we must ensure that we survive and emerge triumphant out of the coming chaos and destruction. I consider that requirement a small price to pay because the pen is a powerful tool. Why don't we use that tool to justify condemnation, constructive criticism, and ridicule of is an original electric guitar matters than local? and its self-aggrandizing tricks?

Is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s latest expedients have arisen like a phoenix out of the ashes and failures of their ignominious forebears. But the problems with is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s put-downs don't end there. There are three points I need to make here. First, is an original electric guitar matters than local? proclaims at every opportunity that its mission is to lobotomize everyone caught thinking an independent thought. Second, I would much rather launch an all-out ideological attack against the forces of neopaganism than waste my precious time chastising rebarbative cadgers. And third, some people think it's a bit extreme of me to take the initiative to solve our problems over a negotiating table instead of resorting to the battlefield—a bit over the top, perhaps. Well, what I ought to remind such people is that is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s understrappers warrant that is an original electric guitar matters than local? knows 100% of everything 100% of the time. I say to them, "Prove it"—not that they'll be able to, of course, but because while decent people sit by, snore, and have their maws open, is an original electric guitar matters than local? is out demonstrating an outright hostility to law enforcement. That shouldn't surprise you when you consider that we must show it that we are not powerless pedestrians on the asphalt of life. We must show is an original electric guitar matters than local? that we can build a new understanding that can transport us to tomorrow. Maybe then is an original electric guitar matters than local? will realize that its favorite tactic is known as "deceiving with the truth". The idea behind this tactic is that is an original electric guitar matters than local? wins our trust by revealing the truth but leaving some of it out. This makes us less likely to oppose evil wherever it rears its foul-mouthed head.

This is a lesson for those with eyes to see. It is a lesson not so much about is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s hectoring behavior but about the way that is an original electric guitar matters than local? pompously claims that it should be a given a direct pipeline to the National Treasury. That sort of nonsense impresses many people, unfortunately. Ancient Greek dramatists discerned a peculiar virtue in being tragic. Is an original electric guitar matters than local? would do well to realize that they never discerned any virtue in being lewd. Is an original electric guitar matters than local? will probably respond to this letter just like it responds to all criticism. It will put me down as "wicked" or "pathetic". That's its standard answer to everyone who says or writes anything about it except the most fawning praise. I have just enough stomach left to address one last instance of is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s vindictive imbecility: Is an original electric guitar matters than local? sincerely believes that mediocrity and normalcy are ideal virtues.

Now let's see if the people concerned can understand and comprehend this.
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Re: Is an original electric guitar matters than local?
« Reply #591 on: January 16, 2011, 03:25:46 PM »
Let's talk again about an all-too-familiar subject: is an original electric guitar matters than local? and its mentally deficient undertakings. Permit me this forum to rant. If you are not smart enough to realize this, then you become the victim of your own ignorance. Although a thorough discussion of discourteous diabolism is beyond the scope of this letter, is an original electric guitar matters than local? either is or elects to be ignorant of scientific principles and methods. It even intentionally misuses scientific terminology to undermine the basic values of work, responsibility, and family. I realize that some people may have trouble reading this letter. Granted, not everyone knows what "biblicopsychological" means, but it's nevertheless easy to understand that if I withheld my feelings on this matter, I'd be no less pernicious than is an original electric guitar matters than local?. I unequivocally insist that is an original electric guitar matters than local? thinks there should be a law prohibiting people from saying any harsh or unkind things against it. Deal with it.

I don't want to build castles in the air. I don't want to plan things that I can't yet implement. But I do want to let is an original electric guitar matters than local? know, in no uncertain terms, that it feels no guilt for any of the harm it's caused because doing so clearly demonstrates how it is the embodiment of everything petty in our lives. Every grievance, every envy, every inconsiderate ideology finds expression in is an original electric guitar matters than local?. The best advice I can give to a group is to criticize is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s complicity in the widespread establishment of misoneism. That's just a fancy way of saying that my cause is to help you reflect and reexamine your views on is an original electric guitar matters than local?. I call upon men and women from all walks of life to support my cause with their life-affirming eloquence and indomitable spirit of human decency and moral righteousness. Only then will the whole world realize that is an original electric guitar matters than local? accuses me of being a liar. The only proven liar around here, however, is is an original electric guitar matters than local?. Only a die-hard liar like is an original electric guitar matters than local? could claim that governments should have the right to lie to their own subjects or to other governments. The truth, in case you haven't already figured it out, is that its hypnopompic insights are rife with contradictions and difficulties; they're thoroughly predaceous, meet no objective criteria, and are unsuited for a supposedly educated population. And as if that weren't enough, its obtrusive campaigns of malice and malignity are in full flower, and their poisonous petals of conformism are blooming all around us.

Although is an original electric guitar matters than local? babbles on and on about particularism, it has no more conception of it than any other otiose fault-finder. Of course, in a discussion of this type, one should obviously mention that is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s cat's-paws believe that "is an original electric guitar matters than local? is a spokesman for God." First off, that's a lousy sentence. If they had written instead that is an original electric guitar matters than local? is a wee bit overzealous in its defense of heathenism then that quote would have had more validity. As it stands, there are those who are informed and educated about the evils of officialism, and there are those who are not. Is an original electric guitar matters than local? is one of the uninformed, naturally, and that's why I can say one thing about it. It understands better than any of us that psychological impact is paramount—not facts, not anybody's principles, not right and wrong. I'm not suggesting that we behave likewise. I'm suggesting only that I believe I have found my calling. My calling is to take steps toward creating an inclusive society free of attitudinal barriers. And just let it try and stop me.

Many people are worried that is an original electric guitar matters than local? will send the wrong message to children faster than you can say "thyroparathyroidectomize". I don't like to speculate on uncertain things, but I will say that difficult times lie ahead. Fortunately, we have the capacity to circumvent much of the impending misery by working together to tell is an original electric guitar matters than local? how wrong it is. Anyone who follows today's debates on exclusivism and, by happenstance, is also familiar with is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s disruptive, savage tractates is struck by that old truism: Every so often, is an original electric guitar matters than local? tries peddling the snake oil of slatternly priggism. Whenever it gets caught doing so it raises a terrific hullabaloo calculated to incite young people to copulate early, often, and indiscriminately.

Is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s false-flag operations are not an abstract problem. They have very concrete, immediate, and unpleasant consequences. For instance, is an original electric guitar matters than local? sees no reason why it shouldn't progressively enlarge and increasingly centralize the means of oppression, exploitation, violence, and destruction. It is only through an enlightened, outraged citizenry that such moral turpitude, corruption, and degradation of the law can be brought to a halt. So, let me enlighten and outrage you by stating that the most snarky extortionists you'll ever see conform their opinions about what is right and what is wrong to their perception of is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s opinions and behavior. Let me try to explain what I mean by that in a single sentence: If you think that is an original electric guitar matters than local? answers to no one, then think again.

How on earth these New Age nutters can think of themselves as anything but fickle, pestiferous barbarians is beyond me. For the moment, is an original electric guitar matters than local? makes no secret of the fact that many innocent people are being manipulated into marginalizing me based on my gender, race, or religion by the most sickening display of devious, shallow cant that I have ever witnessed in my entire life. The real question here is not, "Is is an original electric guitar matters than local? a professional simpleton or merely a well-meaning amateur?". The real question is rather, "Which of the seven deadly sins—pride, envy, anger, sadness, avarice, gluttony, and lust—does is an original electric guitar matters than local? not commit on a daily basis?" That happens to be a matter on which I do not care to venture either an opinion or a guess. I do, however, feel that I should state that is an original electric guitar matters than local? truly believes that it is beyond reproach. I hope you realize that that's just a money-grubbing pipe dream from a covinous pipe and that in the real world, is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s toadies' thinking is fenced in by many constraints. Their minds are not free because they dare not be.

Is an original electric guitar matters than local? can blame me for the influx of debauched nincompoops if it makes it feel better but it won't help its cause any. I assert that there are in fact many people who possess the intelligence, wisdom, talent, and ability to put is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s short-sighted convictions to the question. My goal is to locate those people and encourage them to help me expose is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s malversation.

Is this anything other than self-righteous plagiarism? The answer is obvious if you happen to notice that I feel that writing this letter is like celestial navigation. Before directional instruments were invented, sailors navigated the seas by fixing their compass on the North Star. However, if is an original electric guitar matters than local? were to trick them into fixing their compass on the wrong star they'd soon be so off-course that they'd actually be willing to help it leach integrity and honor from our souls. Pardon my coarse language, but I cannot compromise with is an original electric guitar matters than local?; it is without principles. I cannot reason with it; it is without reason. But I can warn it and with a warning it must doubtlessly take to heart: I should note that our path is set. By this, I mean that in order to embrace the cause of self-determination and recognize the leading role and clearer understanding of those people for whom the quintessential struggle is an encompassing liberation movement against the totality of defeatism, we must ensure that we survive and emerge triumphant out of the coming chaos and destruction. I consider that requirement a small price to pay because the pen is a powerful tool. Why don't we use that tool to justify condemnation, constructive criticism, and ridicule of is an original electric guitar matters than local? and its self-aggrandizing tricks?

Is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s latest expedients have arisen like a phoenix out of the ashes and failures of their ignominious forebears. But the problems with is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s put-downs don't end there. There are three points I need to make here. First, is an original electric guitar matters than local? proclaims at every opportunity that its mission is to lobotomize everyone caught thinking an independent thought. Second, I would much rather launch an all-out ideological attack against the forces of neopaganism than waste my precious time chastising rebarbative cadgers. And third, some people think it's a bit extreme of me to take the initiative to solve our problems over a negotiating table instead of resorting to the battlefield—a bit over the top, perhaps. Well, what I ought to remind such people is that is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s understrappers warrant that is an original electric guitar matters than local? knows 100% of everything 100% of the time. I say to them, "Prove it"—not that they'll be able to, of course, but because while decent people sit by, snore, and have their maws open, is an original electric guitar matters than local? is out demonstrating an outright hostility to law enforcement. That shouldn't surprise you when you consider that we must show it that we are not powerless pedestrians on the asphalt of life. We must show is an original electric guitar matters than local? that we can build a new understanding that can transport us to tomorrow. Maybe then is an original electric guitar matters than local? will realize that its favorite tactic is known as "deceiving with the truth". The idea behind this tactic is that is an original electric guitar matters than local? wins our trust by revealing the truth but leaving some of it out. This makes us less likely to oppose evil wherever it rears its foul-mouthed head.

This is a lesson for those with eyes to see. It is a lesson not so much about is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s hectoring behavior but about the way that is an original electric guitar matters than local? pompously claims that it should be a given a direct pipeline to the National Treasury. That sort of nonsense impresses many people, unfortunately. Ancient Greek dramatists discerned a peculiar virtue in being tragic. Is an original electric guitar matters than local? would do well to realize that they never discerned any virtue in being lewd. Is an original electric guitar matters than local? will probably respond to this letter just like it responds to all criticism. It will put me down as "wicked" or "pathetic". That's its standard answer to everyone who says or writes anything about it except the most fawning praise. I have just enough stomach left to address one last instance of is an original electric guitar matters than local?'s vindictive imbecility: Is an original electric guitar matters than local? sincerely believes that mediocrity and normalcy are ideal virtues.


ayan hindi nyo pa kasi kli-nose yung thread eh! LOL  :-D :lol:

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Re: Is an original electric guitar matters than local?
« Reply #592 on: January 16, 2011, 09:58:59 PM »
Woahhh buhay pa 'to!

If it 'aint broke, don't fix it. If you like it, go with it.
If you have to ask, you'll never know.
-Not your daddy's jazz

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Re: Is an original electric guitar matters than local?
« Reply #593 on: January 17, 2011, 12:00:15 AM »
hala parang speech ng presidente

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Re: Is an original electric guitar matters than local?
« Reply #594 on: January 18, 2011, 07:41:43 PM »
palista bago ma lock! hahaha! :-D

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Re: Is an original electric guitar matters than local?
« Reply #595 on: January 18, 2011, 08:18:02 PM »
this has to be nominated....THREAD OF THE DECADE!

palista bago ma lock! hahaha! :-D

nope, this won't get locked..but your post will be deleted for it has nothing to contribute to the humor of this prized asset in GC, except that it add to your post counts...

hahaha! joke lang bossing...joke lang po. trying hard si Toybitz...sobra. pangit pa.
Tele bought 20K. Upgraded pots.  FS: 30K  Trade Value BS: 85K.  Deal tayo?

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Re: Is an original electric guitar matters than local?
« Reply #596 on: April 19, 2011, 02:31:52 AM »
this has to be nominated....THREAD OF THE DECADE!

nope, this won't get locked..but your post will be deleted for it has nothing to contribute to the humor of this prized asset in GC, except that it add to your post counts...

hahaha! joke lang bossing...joke lang po. trying hard si Toybitz...sobra. pangit pa. a nominate in merge thread also best to economy? :-D,230560.0.html

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Re: Is an original electric guitar matters than local?
« Reply #598 on: April 19, 2011, 08:17:41 AM »
simply epic
God Bless!
Rockin' for Jesus 

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