
Author Topic: Mixing: Separation and Imaging  (Read 704 times)

Offline chromeknive

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Mixing: Separation and Imaging
« on: March 19, 2008, 07:12:17 AM »
Hey guys, though I've read up a lot and really, as much as I can, about imaging and separation, I still haven't been able to achieve acceptable results.

Care to share tricks you've learned? And also the basics narin for people who haven't read up on this topic at all?

A specific question I'd like to ask also:
How can better separation and imaging be achieved with regards to how you would use a compressor?

Would it help to compress some tracks as a group? I've noticed on some Tool songs, that the toms seem to exist within a different "compression group" as compared to the kick, snare and overheads. The resulting sound is that when the toms come in, boy do they come in loud and clear and pummeling and are not affected by the kick or snare dynamics.

Thanks guys!
« Last Edit: March 20, 2008, 03:46:16 PM by chromeknive »