
Author Topic: bakit kaya mga rakista galit sa emo??  (Read 59057 times)

Offline marzi

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Re: bakit kaya mga rakista galit sa emo??
« Reply #50 on: September 10, 2008, 04:46:09 AM »
this emo-bashing topic....

is making my penis angry...
I turned myself into a monster to fight against the monsters of the world.

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Re: bakit kaya mga rakista galit sa emo??
« Reply #51 on: September 10, 2008, 04:46:53 AM »
Let's keep this community healthy ok? Let's not take this topic personally.
Easy guys.

Offline digitalcyco

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Re: bakit kaya mga rakista galit sa emo??
« Reply #52 on: September 10, 2008, 07:18:36 AM »
I haven't got a clue why emo is a genre at all.

Emo is a culture, and not a genre.

It's like how people get confused with hip hop.

Hip hop is a culture, a lifestyle, a way of dressing up, a way of thinking.

I like a lot of their songs and keep a good sized collection as sound reference for my studio clients.

What I don't like is the over exaggerated nature of most "fans" of the genre.


When I was in college I wore dreads, wore basketball jersey's and elephant pants to school. Rap metal was cool back then 10 years ago, and all the metal heads hated us. I was in a stage of finding out what i really wanted in music.

There will come a time when these kiddies nowadays reach my age (late twenties) and realize how stupid the things they used to do.

The problem with modern music is that there are too many genres, too many elitists and too many fools.

I hope the next popular "genre" would digestable.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2008, 07:19:59 AM by digitalcyco »
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Offline matanglawin

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Re: bakit kaya mga rakista galit sa emo??
« Reply #53 on: September 10, 2008, 11:13:44 AM »
wow, you scrutinize every sentence that i wrote. quoted everything, how long did it take you to do that essay?

Not long.  I am a writer.  I scrutinize EVERY sentence you wrote, because you make one claim then flipflop. 

obviously you dont believe that emo is not genre.

Wrong.  What you "obviously" think I don't believe, you don't even understand.

but you keep insisting that emo is this and that. asking me, "am i emo?". i would say yes cause my definition of "emo" is different. so you shouldnt be concern(ed) (sic) cause emo is not genre, right?

Emo IS NOT a genre, but you see, you're the one bashing it.  In order for you to bash it, it MUST be a genre.

Go figure.

to me, this music should be called post hardcore or melodic pop punk.

Flip-flopping again.

this kind of music will stay whether we like it or not. it has become culture with a huge following. i wasnt defending nor popularizing this type of music. my plead is to change the name of the genre.

Er, whatever you say, expert.

look, i can argue on every sentence that you wrote but that would be a waste of time and immature. and you will keep writing more comebacks, analyzing every words that i say.


Read your sentences first, and see you're "maturity."  The only reason I answer you phrase for phrase is because you are doing 180s all over.

its an endless rant and i think i already had my fair share.

You're ranting, I wasn't.
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Offline matanglawin

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Re: bakit kaya mga rakista galit sa emo??
« Reply #54 on: September 10, 2008, 11:15:57 AM »
Let's keep this community healthy ok? Let's not take this topic personally.
Easy guys.

Don't worry about me. I haven't taken anythig personally.

Can't say the same for the emo guy, though...
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Offline Stay Defiant

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Re: bakit kaya mga rakista galit sa emo??
« Reply #55 on: September 10, 2008, 03:54:07 PM »
dude, your not God ok. you made a few contradiction yourself.

"Hip hop and Metal are CLEAR genres"


"We only have Pop, Rock, Jazz, Blues/Soul, Electronica/Dance, Reggae/World Music, as MAIN GENRES."


""Emo" is not even a genre..."


"You're talking about emotions in the GENERAL sense, not as a genre."

my definition of emotion is whatever its in the dictionary.
when did i even wrote that i accepted "emo" as genre?

you already labelled me as an emo but your the one whos ranting and taking this personal with your long, very intuitive reply.
and by calling me an emo, you accepted it as being a genre then.

i really want to meet you in person just to have a good conversation about this, so i/you could understand what you/me were saying. cause im having trouble what you meant by your accusation and other certain claims.
you could prove me wrong, i dont mind, i admit i make mistakes from time to time.
but you, on the other hand, is perfect, no one could out-argue you.

enough said.

looking forward to your reply. make it funny and in english ok so i dont have to translate it, so its fair to you.
its a good entertainment. my workmates are laughing at this sh^t.
...must not sleep...must warn others.

Offline matanglawin

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Re: bakit kaya mga rakista galit sa emo??
« Reply #56 on: September 10, 2008, 05:13:19 PM »
dude, your not God ok.

And where did I say that I am?

you made a few contradiction yourself.

Only because you think they are, since you obviously have comprehension problems,

"Hip hop and Metal are CLEAR genres"


"We only have Pop, Rock, Jazz, Blues/Soul, Electronica/Dance, Reggae/World Music, as MAIN GENRES."

Oh, guess what the MAIN genres of ip-op and bakal are?  You forgot where I mentioned "hiphop, along with rap, are a genre ALL ITS OWN.  Sheesh, it's on the same post even.

But are these statements contradicting?


Why do you think I HIGHLIGHT these words to begin with.

""Emo" is not even a genre..."


"You're talking about emotions in the GENERAL sense, not as a genre."

Comprehension, dude.  You have problems with it. 

my definition of emotion is whatever its in the dictionary.

Really now.  Yet, we're discussing about EMO, the non-genre, and in order for you to define that, you have to use the dictionary.


when did i even wrote that i accepted "emo" as genre?

You didn't have to.  It's written all over your post.

you already labelled me as an emo but your the one whos ranting and taking this personal with your long, very intuitive reply.

Nah.  I only reply to you long rants, hence my posts will be long.

and by calling me an emo, you accepted it as being a genre then.

Nope.  I'm calling you an emo because you're emotional.  Heck, you name alone defines it.

i really want to meet you in person just to have a good conversation about this, so i/you could understand what you/me were saying. cause im having trouble what you meant by your accusation and other certain claims.

Oh, I understand what you are saying, but you have a definite comprehension problem.

you could prove me wrong, i dont mind, i admit i make mistakes from time to time.
but you, on the other hand, is perfect, no one could out-argue you.

No dude.  I'm not perfect, but since you're the one making mistakes, to which I am correcting, it seems so TO YOU.

enough said.

You've said that twice, though not exactly the same way.

looking forward to your reply. make it funny and in english ok so i dont have to translate it, so its fair to you.

Check your GRAMMAR first, dude.

its a good entertainment. my workmates are laughing at this sh^t.

Oh, are your workmates emo too?
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Offline Stay Defiant

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Re: bakit kaya mga rakista galit sa emo??
« Reply #57 on: September 10, 2008, 06:11:43 PM »
can you make your come backs more creative, your saying the same word over and over again. your a writer, this shouldnt be a waste of time to you.

my workmates are white and they think you were the one who has a "comprehension" difficulties. i could point out every mistakes in your sentences and use it against you (like what your doing now) if i wanted to but that would be time consuming and stupid.
you have your own interpretation of certain things. please understand the whole paragraph and not just a few words. a writer should know better.

these colleagues of mine listen to heavy metal. and my ears rings after listening to their cd at work everyday.
oh yer one of them said and i quote:
"fcuk you for calling me emo, you c^nt."
« Last Edit: September 10, 2008, 06:37:12 PM by Stay Defiant »
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Re: bakit kaya mga rakista galit sa emo??
« Reply #58 on: September 10, 2008, 06:27:29 PM »
sorry dude i shouldnt be provoking you.

i conceded. you can take all the glory.

my ego is getting on a way and i feel bad making fun of you.
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Offline matanglawin

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Re: bakit kaya mga rakista galit sa emo??
« Reply #59 on: September 10, 2008, 06:29:46 PM »
can you make your come backs more creative, your saying the same word over and over again. your a writer, this shouldnt be a waste of time to you.

Sorry dude.  You're a waste of "creativity."

Besides, I wasn't making any "come backs."  I was stating an opinion.

my workmates are white and they think you were the one who has a "comprehension" difficulties. i could point out every mistakes in your sentences if i wanted to but that would be time consuming and stupid.

Oh, is "being white" a guarantee for "perfect grammar?"

Mind you, a LOT of "white people" have poor grammar.

you have your own interpretation of certain things. please understand the whole paragraph and not just a few words. a writer should know better.

You're the one "interpreting things" here, dude.  

these colleagues of mine listen to heavy metal. and my ears rings after listening to their cd at work everyday.

Again, listening to something EVERY DAY doesn't make one an expert.

oh yer one of them said and i quote:
"fcuk you for calling me emo, you c^nt."

Where did I call them as such?

Comprehension problems, indeed.  As I said, even white people struggle with grammar and comprehension.  I asked a question.  "Are your workmates emo too?"

Well, based on their response, they are not.  But, they ARE emotional, at least one of them.

Sheesh man, you even needed your co-workers to catch your balls for you?
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Offline matanglawin

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Re: bakit kaya mga rakista galit sa emo??
« Reply #60 on: September 10, 2008, 06:37:34 PM »
sorry dude,

An apology...

i conceded. you can take all the glory.

and a retraction, in the same post.  Dude, I'm not SEEKING any glory here, but really, you should keep your emotions in check.

i shouldnt be provoking you,

Were you trying to provoke me?  Oh okay...

my ego is getting on a way and i feel bad making fun of you.

Sorry dude.  I don't know where you got the idea that you were making fun of me.  But, to be fair to you, I WASN'T making fun of you.  I was simply posting my opinion, emo is not a genre, and boom, you went all emo on me.

If it helps, I'll apologize, sincerely, for calling you emo.  And to be clear, I ASKED a question regarding your white workmates.  I don't need to apologize regarding that, but hey, I struck a chord with all this emo stuff you claim not to be.

Egos aside, I don;t have to clear mine up.  It wasn't in the way to begin with.
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Offline Stay Defiant

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Re: bakit kaya mga rakista galit sa emo??
« Reply #61 on: September 10, 2008, 06:40:06 PM »
i love you man. you never cease to amaze me.
i would pick you on a debating team.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2008, 06:43:46 PM by Stay Defiant »
...must not sleep...must warn others.

Offline matanglawin

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Re: bakit kaya mga rakista galit sa emo??
« Reply #62 on: September 10, 2008, 06:42:06 PM »
Unfortunately for you, I am straight...
X2M Coffee Moment: Did want You

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Re: bakit kaya mga rakista galit sa emo??
« Reply #63 on: September 10, 2008, 06:48:03 PM »
why so serious?

your opinions is quite emotional as well.
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Offline Stay Defiant

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Re: bakit kaya mga rakista galit sa emo??
« Reply #64 on: September 10, 2008, 07:12:57 PM »
whens your next gig? i would love (in a non homosexual way) to see you play and talk to you afterwards about all this things, your views.
...must not sleep...must warn others.

Offline matanglawin

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Re: bakit kaya mga rakista galit sa emo??
« Reply #65 on: September 10, 2008, 07:18:39 PM »
why so serious?

Er, it was a JOKE.

your opinions is (sic) quite emotional as well.

Only because you think it is.

whens your next gig? i would love (in a non homosexual way) to see you play and talk to you afterwards about all this things, your views.

I don't do "gigs."  Can't even play "strainght" (pun intended) to save my life.  But if this is your way of apologizing, I accept.

And again, I apologize, if I came across too strong...
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Offline wiccan8888

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Re: bakit kaya mga rakista galit sa emo??
« Reply #66 on: September 10, 2008, 10:52:56 PM »
hey guys, let's have a heart and love each other. i really feel sad whenever i see people fighting.  now i am crying ...

Offline matanglawin

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Re: bakit kaya mga rakista galit sa emo??
« Reply #67 on: September 10, 2008, 11:06:17 PM »
hey guys, let's have a heart and love each other. i really feel sad whenever i see people fighting.  now i am crying ...

Now THAT is emo...
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Offline wiccan8888

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Re: bakit kaya mga rakista galit sa emo??
« Reply #68 on: September 10, 2008, 11:33:25 PM »
Now THAT is emo...

i am not emo bro ... i just ... i just ... i just cry a lot.

Offline SuperWeak!

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Re: bakit kaya mga rakista galit sa emo??
« Reply #69 on: September 11, 2008, 02:09:15 AM »
me trashtalkan na palang nagaganap dito wee

pero sa tingin ko matuturing ng genre ang Emo ngayon(qualified na syang subgenre kahit postpunk at posthardcore with tragic lovesong at mellow lyrics lang talaga sila)

naalala ko kasi yung poprock,punk,hardcore dati nung 90's napinauso ni kurt cobain tinawag na "grunge" sa mix ng mga genre naka buo sya ng genre ne me sariling pangalan parang ganun din siguro kaya napangalanan yung grunge???

kung mamarapatin nyu po sa pagkakalam ko ang Goth ay trend lang dati???na naging genre?? pati ang grunge???

kaya di malabo na genre narin ang emo kasi me distinguish na sounds pag emo

.....yung highpitch na 8th octave na boses yung super ipit di naman suprano haha!! sabay GROWL!!

dba??? :lol:

kaya di malabong di magalit ang iba sa kanila lalo na sa mga macho na metalheads para kasi silang metrosexual geeky na gay haha!!! peace!! :lol:

Offline wiccan8888

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Re: bakit kaya mga rakista galit sa emo??
« Reply #70 on: September 11, 2008, 03:41:18 PM »
me trashtalkan na palang nagaganap dito wee

pero sa tingin ko matuturing ng genre ang Emo ngayon(qualified na syang subgenre kahit postpunk at posthardcore with tragic lovesong at mellow lyrics lang talaga sila)

naalala ko kasi yung poprock,punk,hardcore dati nung 90's napinauso ni kurt cobain tinawag na "grunge" sa mix ng mga genre naka buo sya ng genre ne me sariling pangalan parang ganun din siguro kaya napangalanan yung grunge???

kung mamarapatin nyu po sa pagkakalam ko ang Goth ay trend lang dati???na naging genre?? pati ang grunge???

kaya di malabo na genre narin ang emo kasi me distinguish na sounds pag emo

.....yung highpitch na 8th octave na boses yung super ipit di naman suprano haha!! sabay GROWL!!

dba??? :lol:

kaya di malabong di magalit ang iba sa kanila lalo na sa mga macho na metalheads para kasi silang metrosexual geeky na gay haha!!! peace!! :lol:

whoa, GRUNGE is very different bro. IMO, GRUNGE is definitely not a trend like GARBAGE EMO.  GRUNGE is FREEDOM and CHANGE on a polluted and GARBAGELY populated seattle music scene. figuratively.

Offline matanglawin

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Re: bakit kaya mga rakista galit sa emo??
« Reply #71 on: September 11, 2008, 04:23:05 PM »
whoa, GRUNGE is very different bro. IMO, GRUNGE is definitely not a trend like GARBAGE EMO.  GRUNGE is FREEDOM and CHANGE on a polluted and GARBAGELY populated seattle music scene. figuratively.

I'd have to agree with this.  Grunge clearly defined itself with its OWN sound.

Emo doesn't have that unique sound.  Heck, you wouldn't even know a "band" is emo, until they or someone else calls them as such.  Then again, calling one emo doesn't really make it, right?
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Re: bakit kaya mga rakista galit sa emo??
« Reply #72 on: September 11, 2008, 04:41:07 PM »
whoa, GRUNGE is very different bro. IMO, GRUNGE is definitely not a trend like GARBAGE EMO.  GRUNGE is FREEDOM and CHANGE on a polluted and GARBAGELY populated seattle music scene. figuratively.
ah?!? di ko intended na ikumpara silang dalawa??? pero way of living nrin kasi yung grunge dati dba??? parang emo???

na rerecall ko lang???  mga 90's grunge (noon) mga year 2000 rap metal naman ngayon emo naman... parang cycle lang music scene me nauuso me nalalaos hindi na mawawala siguro yung grunge galit sa rap metal at emo yung rap metal galit sa emo yung emo galit sa posers yung posers galit sa hip hop yung hip hop galit sa grunge... nalalayo na rin mga sagot natin sa topic eh na  bakit kaya mga rakista galit sa emo?? ang sagot siguro kasi iba iba rin tayo ng paniniwala kanya kanya rin ng taste din kaya ganun kumbaga me iba tayong era na kinagisnan parang muslims sa catholic...Get It?!? lumalayo na kasi :lol: basta kung di nyu parin maintindihanwag nyu nlng akong pansinin baka ako lang nakakaintindi sa sinasabi ko wakekekek!

BTW:laking grunge din ako nirvana,temple of the dog,pearl jam na miss ko na nga sila e kaya peace peace tayo mga bros!!

I'd have to agree with this.  Grunge clearly defined itself with its OWN sound.

Emo doesn't have that unique sound.  Heck, you wouldn't even know a "band" is emo, until they or someone else calls them as such.  Then again, calling one emo doesn't really make it, right?

haha!! ayun nagkasundo sila !!

Emo doesn't have that unique sound
ganun ba??? pano po yung post ko nakaraan??
.....yung highpitch na 8th octave na boses yung super ipit di naman suprano haha!! sabay GROWL!!


di na ako sasawsaw sa feud nyu ahihihi!!

Offline matanglawin

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Re: bakit kaya mga rakista galit sa emo??
« Reply #73 on: September 11, 2008, 06:18:40 PM »
haha!! ayun nagkasundo sila !!

Emo doesn't have that unique sound
ganun ba??? pano po yung post ko nakaraan??
.....yung highpitch na 8th octave na boses yung super ipit di naman suprano haha!! sabay GROWL!!


What's so unique about that? 

di na ako sasawsaw sa feud nyu ahihihi!!

But, you just did "make sawsaw."  And there's not "feud" here.

ah?!? di ko intended (sic) na ikumpara silang dalawa???

Again, whether it was your intent or not, you DID compare them.

pero way of living nrin kasi yung grunge dati dba??? parang emo???

« Last Edit: September 12, 2008, 04:50:56 AM by matanglawin »
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Re: bakit kaya mga rakista galit sa emo??
« Reply #74 on: September 11, 2008, 07:04:54 PM »
What so unique about that? 

friend matanglawin, you better elaborate on this or else he'll give you a stupid retort. :-D
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