
Author Topic: 1st pinoy Headphile meet  (Read 7909 times)

Offline mahavishnu

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1st pinoy Headphile meet
« on: March 04, 2007, 01:37:20 PM »
Just like to share some headphile stuff

1st Pinoy headphile meet. Yesterday March 3. Antel2000 valero street makati.

i'm still A/B'ing in my mind the vinyl PinkFloyd's Dark Side vs. it's remastered CD. I remember getting goosebumps on Great Gig In The Sky even if ive listened to it for the Nth time in different formats! They shouldnt clean the Joy DIvision vinyl, mas okay yung Love Will Tear Us Apart, paulit ulit yung chorus  :)  parang subliminal message  :)

Dark Side Of the Moon, JVC turntable with Clearaudio cartridge, ArnoldC tube headamp kit, x-lp 

im not reviewing any of the amps. they all sound alike.. Hehe!  i gotta have one of those tube amp kits, they really do great when paired with my cans. The Cayin's pretty good too (with 800$ pricetag it should be). It was very quiet, I thought it turned off by itself when the song sample moved to another track. The details were just amazing, you could almost point out which part of the stage the music's coming from. maybe im imagining that or prolly its a mix and match witht he right set of cans.
 Just to reiterate , Xin's supermicro is a monster. I cant believe thats an amp.  I thought it's a volume control or something. maybe they should Shrink Wrap that to the end of a hphone cable! The ipod Redwine mod made me a believer. I can tell, since I also owned the 4th Gen Ipod. very low almost zero capacitance.

Cayin amp, Sony SA5000, XCAN v3, my irizumi 80gig iPOD, altoid cmoy amp and DIY IC, an ipod nano and PA2v2

Grado Sr325i with the Liberators, 4th Gen IPOD REDWINE IMOD, switchcraft IC, super micro underneath, its smaller than the pods width.
the supermicro strapped with blue velcro, UE super.fi5 with earmolds

I was able to try the HD650, theyre darn comfortable and the quality's very transparent. you can prolly fall asleep, though you'll immediately snap out of it once you land your face on those huge cans. I might get the entry level 555 or 515 because of the 650. The Sony SA-5000's pretty good too. I was amazed with the response and clarity, i didnt know its open-air. it looks like something you wear in starwars podracing, i thought it was closeback.

ALO audio interconnect, xtra head amp, ipod 5th gen 30gig

I wasnt able to try the in-ears, I didnt mind sharing my wax!  i also wana try somebody else's earmolds hehe! next time, i'll bring disposable silicons or tri-flange to try em innards =]

Dell latitude, Benchmark DAC-1,  Grado SR325

I was looking forward to try the SR-325 with Liberators, and they really do deliver. Well they just have to  :) these cans were warm and very clear. they're great with vocals, I cant imagine whats the next level cans (RF series) would sound like. I cant tell if the Liberators does improve the soundstage with these cans, because we didnt A/B (with or without). but if Ive to compare to my stock in your face sr80, you can hear the obvious difference in soundstage. The MS-1 is so ear friendly, with tamed highs and pronounced mids, these cans are very musical. I myself play and make some music and I found for myself why musician's prefer these cans.

here's what i came for

xtra x1 amp, Alessandro MS-1,  my grado sr80, my irizumi ipod, a shuffle and some fake flowers

at the end, i miss my Sr80s crisp, shimmery upfront character. and the ssssssibilance hehe. was my faith shaken? NO WAY, GRADO ALL THE WAY! raise the FLAG! =]

its in the ear of the beholder. i hope you guys can come next time. and soemone please bring a POCKET TURNTABLE.

Offline balta

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Re: 1st pinoy Headphile meet
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2007, 09:10:48 PM »
ok... call me a noob or whatever but...

they seem really cool even if I don't even know what they do..
are they mini amps or sound quality enhancers.. etc??!?!

Offline mahavishnu

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Re: 1st pinoy Headphile meet
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2007, 10:30:32 PM »
whats connected to the ipod.. in order.

IPOD LINEOUT > REDWINE iMOD, POCKETDOCK in my cas, audiolineout or ALO interconnect. purpose? plainly because the ipod's headphone out is crap. its not true audio signal, it gets filtered by the ipod's volume control. which can not drive headphones properly

Interconnects > very low capacitance cables, RCAs. some are even cryogenically treated. this compromises prolly the last 2% that''ll get you to 100. dont be fooled. some of these cables worth alot. and some can tell the minute differences. as for me, i go DIY with good after market parts like neutrik, klotz, switchcraft, verbatim wires etc.

Headphone AMP> cmoy, xin's supermicro, pa2v2, Cayin tube amp etc etc. Purpose? to boost the lineout signal and drive the cans. these amps have their character and signature EQs. same with our guitar amps, tube amps are the best. but for portability, obviously solid state is the way.

Headphones > choose your poison  :-D

whats the point with all this junk? we're just trying to prove that in the world of lossy compressed audio, we can still have a bit of audiophile quality going on in these portable rigs.  :-)

Offline abyssinianson

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Re: 1st pinoy Headphile meet
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2007, 01:42:19 AM »
nice link and thanks for the pics! I love my cans and listen to them a lot at home and in the studio. I never imagined lugging around that much stuff with my mp3 player though! My mobile thing is nothing more than an older Iriver mp3 player with a pair of ultimate ear phones and that is enough "stuff" as it is for

Vestax makes a portable turntable that runs on batteries.
ako si mimordz. 友だちからよろしくです!

Offline bindoy

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Re: 1st pinoy Headphile meet
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2007, 08:25:20 AM »
astig ng thread na to!peace to all

ROMANS 1:16 DI PALALAMPASIN Mtvon Youtube: CLICK here>>> Di Palalampasin

Offline mahavishnu

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Re: 1st pinoy Headphile meet
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2007, 03:19:57 PM »
there'll be more pics and reviews, ipunin ko lang  :-)

Offline balta

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Re: 1st pinoy Headphile meet
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2007, 11:08:10 PM »
wow wow wee wow!

educate us more on this please!

like how much are the stuff shown
how to get them
are they worth getting
how much do they improve the sound
is it practical?
do you get more chicks with those cool looking thingies!?!

can you actually use those audiolineout or ALO interconnect
and connect it to a stereo amp to make the sound better???

Offline bugoy

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Re: 1st pinoy Headphile meet
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2007, 11:12:02 PM »
ang astig ng mga gadgets ni mahavishnu

Offline mahavishnu

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Re: 1st pinoy Headphile meet
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2007, 01:59:17 AM »
dude theyre not mine. from different headphiles yan.. yung last lang yung aken, yung kasama ng goldtop. i'll answer balta's question later.. nasa netcafe lang ako.

Offline mahavishnu

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Re: 1st pinoy Headphile meet
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2007, 12:59:18 PM »
collected reviews so far.. and more pics

Quote from: shikitohno
i can't believe how the supermicro iv sounded like! i've tried my ldm+ with the hd650 in which it struggled while the micro handled it with ease. not to mention that its the smallest amp i've ever seen and accepts aaa batteries. it's really good that i felt that i needed to get one :wink:

i hope the others will post their impression on the equipment that they liked (or disliked :roll: ) :)

Quote from: ferdit
The Koss's is just way too nice for a US$19 phones - really shows the Senn 650 what quality sound can be. Hehe (Just kidding, am just pulling choariwap's legs!)

Hey Arnold, that's a KSC35 right? Is that model still available? I am looking for an exercise phone and it's just what I am looking for.

mahavishnu - good shots! I brought my camera along but left the batteries. =P

The supermicro iv is so tiny, they're just as big as my thumb. If you combined it with a Ipod Shuffle 2nd Gen, you can still put the whole thing in your SHIRT pocket with space to spare. Sounds great too.

At the end of the meet, am definitely still with Team Grado. =)

Quote from: dranoel4190
i feel sad not having the chance to audition the other headphones.  yung ksc75 lang ni sir arnold napakinggan ko.  but i must say, it does stand up to its hype.  :)

i hope there will be another meet.   and this time ill make sure to have my whole day available  :)

Quote from: choariwap
hmm where to start?

ksc-75 - bang for the buck cans! not bad at all for 20 USD.  too bad we dont have it locally, dranoel, baka puwede ka magsource ng koss? punchy bass, smooth highs, decent soundstage, all around performer. might be uncomfortable for long durations bec of the clips though.

sa5000 - very wide open sounstage, airy, a little thin sounding though. come to think about it, should have sounded good with the cayin but i didnt get to try it. anybody tried the sa5000 with the cayin?

all grados - comfort is not a strong point. the pads squished my ears, would likely hurt after a few hours.

liberated grado - grados with soundstage! it sounded more laid back than the the stock grados which is good for harsh and bad recordings.

sr80 - up front! very in your face sound sig. fun sound for rock and acoustic guitar, very crisp guitar string hits.

@esotec, bili na  :twisted:

the supermicro is definitely a great amp! bili na! just put an order and forget about it, it'll come eventually.

next time ill leave the senn rig at home so i can carry the K1000. i think i can make room for the firstwatt f1 clone too!

btw, so we can say we stuck to the agenda ;)
suggested discussion topics
- impressions discussions: Manufacturer sound sig (Grado vs Senn vs AKG vs etc)
   senn: non fatiguing sound, warm, bassy, but still detailed and resolving
   grado: upfront, crisp highs, punchy bass, great for guitars
   didnt have enough of the other brands to say much
- Source matters? ipod headphone out vs audiophile sources
   yes, definitely. source determines your upper performance limit. crap source will sound bad no matter the amp or phones.
- how much do amps improve headphone performance?
   quite a bit, fuller sound, more dynamic, you won't look back. make sure you aren't amping a headphone out though, so unless you have an ipod lineout, you will not get the full benefit.

Quote from: choariwap
Quote from: mahavishnu
the supermicro strapped with blue velcro, UE super.fi5 with earmolds (chaoriwap's pic)

small correction, those arent the super.fis, those are the custom ACS T2 iems. :)

these are the super.fis:

Quote from: arnoldc
More pics...

Quote from: EsoTec
Quote from: arnoldc
hi robert, what do you want to know about it? size- it's freaking tiny, slightly bigger than my thumb  :shock: runs on a single AAA battery  8) designer/developer/builder does not answer email after you place an order  :twisted: he won't charge your card until he ships  8) it will arrive eventually  :roll: you need a velcro to hold the two pieces together (cover and body)  :P

as to the SQ, i'll let the others chime in as I wasn't able to listen to it.

Hi guys, allow me add on what has already been said here, the Xin Super Micro is the biggest surprise for me as well. This despite having read some good feedback on it already, nothing beats hearing (and seeing!) it for yourself.

Sorry about the poor picture quality. I was waiting for the mystery guy to post the pix from his Canon EOS DSLR, but alas, I couldn't hold back anymore. :)  (Was he really there? Did he really exist? :D )

I was able to compare several portable amps, although not extensively (i did try to make Choariwap's modded iPod constant as source). Of the lot, and despite being the smallest, the Xin Super Micro was quite simply on a different level, a class on its own.  The Pa2V2, Xtra, Cmoy, Little Dot all had different strengths and weaknesses and fared differently based on matching headphones. With the micro and especially with IEMs (stay away from Choariwap's Micro+UE Super 5 combo, mapapabili ka! :twisted: ), i stopped analyzing the sound, and just listened to the music (what a cliche... :? ) Seriously, deep fast bass, clean highs, solid mids, with plenty of air (but dead quiet in the background). Balanced throughout, neutral yet musical.  Tama ba pag describe ko? And then you look at it, hanging between your phones and the ipod like an oversized volume control, and you are even more awed. :o

I dont really have a portable rig setup, my laptop is my source with a cmoy amp. While ive heard ipods before, this is the first time ive heard a really good portable setup that rivals a decent stereo setup in a good music room (the isolation thatt IEMs provide is critical here). And being portable, you can have this experience anywhere! :D  Of course im sure there are better portable amps there, and to be honest, the other amps in this test group would fare very well had they not been compared to the Micro. And so for how much it costs, and how its size defines the word portable, the Xin Super Micro is the newsmaker of the portable meet! (at least for me :D )

Thanks to everyone, esp Choariwap and Arnold for making this possible. I hope to add my experience with the desktop amp setups later...

Quote from: ferdit
Quote from: troporobo
Somebody tell me more about the "supermicro" - looks like a good solution for ultraportable travel rigs. Any web links? TIA

Hi troporobo. Here's a link to  a review of portables amps (including the supermicro iv) - . Having had the chance to listen to quite a number of portable amps, I'd say the supermicro iv is the best of the lot for ultraportable rigs - clean sound, good punch & soundstage, packaged into a box the size of a thumb.  You probably can use it  as an in-line thingy - letting it hang in front of your shirt. It's not much heavier than the triple a battery that powers it.

Based on memory, unless you do an a-b, I don't think there's too big a difference between a supermicro iv than say, a Larocco and Tomahawk.

The only thing negative about it - and why I've hold back from buying one - is the long and unknown waiting  time and the terrible customer service.

Quote from: shikitohno
Quote from: troporobo
Somebody tell me more about the "supermicro" - looks like a good solution for ultraportable travel rigs. Any web links? TIA

i've done a brief comparison between my LDM+ and the Supermicro IV and i can definitely say that the supermicro powers an HD650 better that LDM+, more volume and has the punchy sound that LDM lacks at the same sound level (i only used my ear to approximate the sound level)

Quote from: choariwap
total cost for supermicro was 10317.65.

didnt pay for customs, since it was marked for 30USD value. shipping was via EMS so it was dleivered right to my house.

he doesnt respond to emails, just order it and forget about it. youll get it eventually (2 months in my case). if he's tweaking the design aka development mode, it'll take longer.

one good thing with xin is that when we does tweaks to his design you can send in your amp for the upgrade for free.

Offline KitC

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Re: 1st pinoy Headphile meet
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2007, 01:07:56 PM »
I was looking for your famous cmoy-amp-in-altoids... finally saw it on top of your axe. How about posting a link to the schematics?
Sonar 4.04PE/5.2PE/7.02PE/8.31 PE, Project 5 v2.5.1, EmulatorX 1.5, Cubase SL2, Ableton Live 7.14,  Intel Q6600 MSI P43 Neo 4Gb Crucial Ballistix Tracer DDR2-800, Emu 1820m, Yamaha DSP Factory, Terratec DMX 6fire

Offline mahavishnu

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Re: 1st pinoy Headphile meet
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2007, 01:37:45 PM »
here's the cmoy manual

tight layout


all parts are avAilable here except for the most important part.. opamp 2132 or 2134. you can buy em in rsphilippines

here's my CMOY thread in gadgetopolis,33270.0.html

Offline KinesongPayaso

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Re: 1st pinoy Headphile meet
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2007, 12:04:58 AM »
napaka simplistic naman ng reviews... :P

[ice cream], di ako nakasama

sinundo ko pa kasi kapatid ko eh, kainis

Offline EndofJuly

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Re: 1st pinoy Headphile meet
« Reply #13 on: October 03, 2008, 09:43:39 PM »
Astig naman sir! Gusto ko rin sana ng headphone amp kaya lang wala ako idea kun san ako makakabili or magpapagawa. which is better pagawa or bili na lang commercially? ano ba ung mga brands ng pocket amps? thanks in advance
Sometimes The Problem is just between your Ears!

Offline Justin Maulit

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Re: 1st pinoy Headphile meet
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2009, 10:16:26 PM »
what does a super micro do? THE ONE STRAPPED in blue velcro??

Offline Justin Maulit

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Re: 1st pinoy Headphile meet
« Reply #15 on: December 30, 2009, 10:39:36 PM »
please correct me if I'm wrong, but that white thing attached below your ipod is a headphone amp right? And that is connected to your cmoy amp right? So you use two amps for your ipod, why? Sorry for the noob question, I'm a newbie ehh.

Offline KitC

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Re: 1st pinoy Headphile meet
« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2009, 11:04:04 PM »
you revived a rather old thread. The white thing appears to be a connector, kinda like what you find in ipod docks. The cmoy is the amp.
Sonar 4.04PE/5.2PE/7.02PE/8.31 PE, Project 5 v2.5.1, EmulatorX 1.5, Cubase SL2, Ableton Live 7.14,  Intel Q6600 MSI P43 Neo 4Gb Crucial Ballistix Tracer DDR2-800, Emu 1820m, Yamaha DSP Factory, Terratec DMX 6fire

Offline BAMF

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Re: 1st pinoy Headphile meet
« Reply #17 on: December 31, 2009, 08:47:26 AM »
Interesting. I gotta look for my OPA2604 that I got years ago. I think I wanna make a CMOY.
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Offline Justin Maulit

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Re: 1st pinoy Headphile meet
« Reply #18 on: December 31, 2009, 05:07:39 PM »
how about the  thing strapped with blue velcro? What is it? I believe he called it a supermicro? with the AA batteries? What does it do? And Whats the difference if I use an earphone amp being sold on malls-like FiiO- and cmoy amps? :? More importantly, what do they do? :-D Hehe I've been asking all these questions without knowing what their main functions are. Do they only make the sound louder? Or do they also contribute to the fidelity of the sound??

Offline BAMF

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Re: 1st pinoy Headphile meet
« Reply #19 on: January 01, 2010, 10:36:45 PM »
how about the  thing strapped with blue velcro? What is it? I believe he called it a supermicro? with the AA batteries? What does it do? And Whats the difference if I use an earphone amp being sold on malls-like FiiO- and cmoy amps? :? More importantly, what do they do? :-D Hehe I've been asking all these questions without knowing what their main functions are. Do they only make the sound louder? Or do they also contribute to the fidelity of the sound??

It's not just loudness. I've heard elsewhere that the headphone amp section of an ipod leaves a lot to be desired. That's why aftermarket headphone amps started coming out. It allows the proper driving of the earphones.
Doghouse Recording Studio:
Cel: 09282843633

Offline alien_inside

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Re: 1st pinoy Headphile meet
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2010, 03:48:05 AM »
you revived a rather old thread. The white thing appears to be a connector, kinda like what you find in ipod docks. The cmoy is the amp.
I thought there was something new.....
ALLEN VC PASCUA, Keyboardist, Arranger, Audio Engineer0947 233 2263 (Int'l Roaming) InterContinental Hotels Group

Offline mahavishnu

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Re: 1st pinoy Headphile meet
« Reply #21 on: January 17, 2010, 02:06:08 PM »
everyones in the spirit of reviving year old threads =]

cmoy is a good and easy build. but after the release of budget amp that sounds as good if not better than cmoy.
 you ll be better off just buying these amps (fiio e1, e3, e5)
but if still itching to DIY, heres a much better sounding amp

Offline KitC

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Re: 1st pinoy Headphile meet
« Reply #22 on: January 18, 2010, 04:23:16 PM »
It's not just loudness. I've heard elsewhere that the headphone amp section of an ipod leaves a lot to be desired. That's why aftermarket headphone amps started coming out. It allows the proper driving of the earphones.

I was having a discussion with Sipol's Ardie, and he commented that our Nokia 5800 (we both have one) sounded better than an Ipod, using the stock earphones. Even Creative's mp3 players are purported to sound better than ipods.
Sonar 4.04PE/5.2PE/7.02PE/8.31 PE, Project 5 v2.5.1, EmulatorX 1.5, Cubase SL2, Ableton Live 7.14,  Intel Q6600 MSI P43 Neo 4Gb Crucial Ballistix Tracer DDR2-800, Emu 1820m, Yamaha DSP Factory, Terratec DMX 6fire

Offline mahavishnu

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Re: 1st pinoy Headphile meet
« Reply #23 on: January 26, 2010, 03:03:47 AM »
even sansa clip  sounds better than ipod's headphone out.
sir kit, try using the ipod's lineout. ipod's internal headphone amp is just crap.
ipod's lineout is a different story, specially if you encode your files to FLAC. its good enough for reference and analytical listening.
by the way 4th gen ipod (ipod photo, u2) sounds the best among all ipods because of the wolfson DAC used.