
Author Topic: pinoy sludge metal  (Read 905 times)

Offline fsandc

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pinoy sludge metal
« on: November 10, 2007, 10:59:19 PM »
HEAR YE HEAR YE.The y2k side project of foodshelter&clothing, FULLTIMEBIGOT (a full-on industrial strenght sludge metal monster!) has finally unleashed online its full-lenght album "Abandon All Hope"*  (FREE DOWNLOAD).Tracks are sequenced accdg. to its original cd the link if you dare:-) :evil:

just in time for the coming holidays:-)

enjoy the noise yall!

(*) with key tracks originally featured in the soundtrack of the ALAMAT comicbook BAYLANS by fs&c.
a.rusted with gold
c.our nation is a whore
pls visit our offical site for various links, featuring our mp3s. Ayos:)<br />